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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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Just now, Noldus said:

we all know that :cry:

Let's face it. There must be some people in this forum who write about what is really going on at this place.

There are three girls (7 for both apartments) get paid to make some kind of a lifeless bullshit something. The whole thing can't be surpassed in ridiculousness anymore. It is like VV, but without the sex, because this is kept outside. 

What for a stuid idea to have a fake apartment were nothing happen except this bullshit shows and teasing events. 

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5 minutes ago, Spock said:

Let's face it. There must be some people in this forum who write about what is really going on at this place.

There are three girls (7 for both apartments) get paid to make some kind of a lifeless bullshit something. The whole thing can't be surpassed in ridiculousness anymore. It is like VV, but without the sex, because this is kept outside. 

What for a stuid idea to have a fake apartment were nothing happen except this bullshit shows and teasing events. 

Let us know if we should call the police. I mean, someone must be forcing you to watch the streams.

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