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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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6 hours ago, Mikelima1970 said:

I do not insult the girls.
I said that I want RLC to change these uselessness for the program.
as I have said several times for other girls.
if you do not agree with my statements, it is enough that you do not read the laws.
this is democracy.

Don't argue with him.....he's not worth it MikeLima!!

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5 hours ago, meran said:

Dont worry Mike. Some guys are hoping to get a date with these girls. 
If you have paid for membership you have the right of an opinion.  
After all this is all a show and you pay to get the content and the provider is supposed to take care of its audience. Some people will start attacking you when you voice your opinion. That is what this board is not just to praise  the girls and do ass licking for RLC but also have your own opinion and discuss things. 
They are the one insulting people for having the opinion by using hard words. They cannot see anyone else with any other opinion and will try to bully you. 

I think if anyone needs to be kicked out of the CC is those bullies who just want to hear their side of the stories.

I totally love you Meran!!!

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5 hours ago, meran said:

Only person who is attacking and bullying others is you. 
Happyone has also voiced his opnion here 


Which is the correct way to say it. happyone is not bullying people and have a correct advice. 

Mike doesnt like it and want it to be improved on his likings which is good for him.

Most of the people here discussing based on their own opinion and you can do that too by saying

that you have a different opinion and you like what they are doing and you want them to stay. 

others dont share your opinion and if you only want people to say good about RLC I think you are the one with the issue.
Its simple fact and everyone has his own opinion. Respect that . 

I dont care as I dont expect much from these girls. 

I love you more now Meran!!!

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5 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

I was gonna say that you have a short memory mate. Nicole has been one of the best 'real' girls we've had, giving us some epic sex and Gina has given us some of the very best pussy views on here last time...But I've just realised that you're a newbie so you're excused...Btw, Neia hasn't been half bad either, so ''all the time hiding from the cams''.. isn't quite accurate...:wink:

Nicole, Gina, and Neia are 3 girls that I would never want to see back on RLC if I was a member.  They are truly worthless for this site!!

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5 hours ago, happyone said:

Hey--criticize RLC all you want for their lack of maintenance, bad timing of UM, communication to it's subscribers, poor cam locations, and at times poor screening of

the participants, and more, etc.  But it is not always the fault of the participants to perform the way a lot of us want.  And it is certainly not ok to demean them--they are human 

and have feelings too.  And contrary to what some say, they do read the comments about them on CC., so keep that in mind when making your comments.

Just my opinion, and just common human decency.


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5 hours ago, news49 said:

Il y a rien d'insultant à dire que certaines filles sont inutiles et elles le savent très bien... Et ne pas le dire, car certaines pourraient lire le forum me fait bien rire. Ce n'est pas insultant contre les filles, mais contre le rôle qu'elles montrent sur les caméras. Même si certains s'attachent, elles restent un divertissement et un produit de consommations pour nous qui regardons des dizaines de filles depuis des années.

Amen brother.....stick to your guns and don't give in to the others that proclaim to be perfect in the eye's of these girls!

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5 hours ago, meran said:


Look at the bright side. He also said 

he hopes he is wrong.
 I think most of the people who even disagree on whats going on and are still members are still hoping that things get more entertaining. Karol and Leia did give some entertainment yesterday and let's be honest with ourselves why are most people here. Do they just want to see girls sitting idle or go to church or dressed up completely as nuns? members of RLC  are all perverts who want to wank at nude girls and satisfy their need of fantasy of voyeur when it is not really a voyeur. 

I think Irma, Rebbeca and Megan have raised the bar and people expect the same entertainment but not all girls same and even some stars of the past who returned were not the same. 
A big disappointment was Belle and there are couple of more names but the list goes on.  

Anyway there will be haters and lovers for everything. 

You ROCK Meran.....I didn't realize it until tonight!!

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4 hours ago, vortios said:

Certainly, the comments, when you stay in the middle, or only tell what you are interested in telling ... to the reader, it is as if you were telling a story.
No longer remember many, the number of hours that Gina, for example, step out of the cameras .... being, if we add all the hours, until full weeks, which she was off the cameras and not because RLC never put the "vacation" sign ... to give an example ....
As for Nicole, they also do not say that her relationships with the roommates went through difficult times, I no longer got into who had or was not right, but they did affect the coexistence in the house a lot.

As I say, and more now that I'm away from all this, I love that people have a good time and girls give good shows, but the truth and truth is that RLC often makes it difficult for customers at the time to renew your pass for RLC.

Yes they do Vortios.....Amen my brother!!

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