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Leora & Paul - General Chat Topic (Jan - Apr. 2018)

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Leora is putting her culinary expertise to work today. Does this mean there will be no need for a carry out delivery person ?  Sorry Pepe, it looks like the panty drawer it is, for another day !   ::)

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How many volunteers are there who wish to take Eva's place being " :biggrin: mistreated by Leora's  loving hands."  It appears Leora and Eva are going for a outing. Have fun, you two.

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29 minutes ago, Iwishicould said:

Nothing like a cocktail of his and her love juices to lick from your fingers. Unbelievably erotic.😳

That's what I like about Leora, she's environmentally friendly, never wastes anything. Where most women would wipe his cum and her juices away with a tissue or towel, she does the proper thing and recycles them by scooping them up on her fingers and licking them off. Awesome!!

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It's good to see Paul enjoying life now, he is very relaxed with her sexual appetite and needs  and allows her the freedom to express herself without him getting anxious and uptight like he used to.

Good on you Paul, both you and Leora are growing into a very likable couple, as opposed to just Leora. 👍🙂

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53 minutes ago, beckett said:

Each to their own, and different strokes for different folks....but watching Paul always seems to me like sex is just a chore for him.....the quicker he can finish and get his pants back on the better.

With the utmost respect to your opinion becket, I wasn't just eluding to Paul's sexual prowess, which although not earth shattering is much improved on what it used to be like, and it's always easy for us armchair critics to pass judgment, I sometimes wonder what our wives and girlfriends say about our performances when we are not around , think about it.

But I digress, no, I was eluding to his all round performance as a person and partner to the lovely girl, judging him on what he was like up till maybe six months ago, he has turned into a likable guy making the best out of the hand he has been dealt,which although he has the Kings aplenty, he was never comfortable and perhaps lacked confidence on the best way to play his hand.

She on the other hand has all the aces, knows exactly what the other players have and is confident she can call them at will, she has therefor left the opening for him to enjoy the game at his own pace ,which he has adapted to with relish.

Give the guy a break, it's as you say "different strokes etc " and "each to their own" The most important thing is not what you or I and the rest of the people who come on this forum think or advise, Its what she wants, and she wants Paul. 😄

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