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Chloe & Tyler - General Chat Topic (2018)

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23 ore fa, diceva:

Il video è il link. Puoi fare clic con il tasto sinistro o destro del mouse per salvarlo.
Se fai clic sull'icona piccola casella nell'angolo in basso a destra di ciascun
video, puoi visualizzarli in modalità a schermo intero. Se fai clic con il tasto sinistro del mouse sul
video, ti porterà al sito Web di gfycat, dove puoi anche salvarlo
e visualizzarlo in modalità a schermo intero. Spero che questo sia utile.

Grazie mille...

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On ‎5‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 1:35 PM, letsdothis said:

The video is the link. You can either left or right-click on it to save it.
If you click on the little box icon in the bottom right corner of each
video, you can view them in full-screen mode. If you left-click on the
video, it will take you to the gfycat website, where you can also save
it and view it in full-screen mode. Hope this is helpful.

Extremely helpful and informative. Thank you very much indeed for providing the video and explaining its different properties.


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38 minutes ago, bubbleobillo said:

Extremely helpful and informative. Thank you very much indeed for providing the video and explaining its different properties.


I greatly appreciate the thanks and the "like" and I'm glad I could help,
but I can't take credit for providing the videos. @upyourass gets all
the credit for posting the videos.

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