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j'm tired see this fucking dog stay always on bed when they doing sex,it's not clean.

j prefer when there was no dog in this appartment.

j don't like very much dogs,j prefer cats.

it's not difficult close the bedroom door if you want some intimity

Not much of a problem.  It's only for 3 minutes.

lol,ok,j'm connected just at the moment when leora masturbate and cum.

j know with paul it's always very short,it's the big problem with this couple,paul cum in 3 mn

For crying out loud lay off Paul - he's a good guy and just because you lot are jealous of him you slag him off.

This 3-minute stuff is just a total myth and you know it - you lot only perpetuate it because you think its funny.  There are lots of times he has a long session but you lot just ignore it

Its boring, very boring - leave him alone, he's doing fine.

i don't know if it is 3 minutes or not,but what i do know is HE is the one that is living with Leora and she has NOT left him yet.

That's so true and obviously she loves him very much. He's a very fortunate man. It was however easy to see that they were both very frustrated with their session earlier. He left the bed twice to leave her to her own devices . Having the dog interrupting every minute or so certainly didn't help Paul with his concentration. Would have bothered the hell out of me as well. I have no right to criticize Paul, because I've been there myself. Didn't learn until I was past thirty that love making,like life is ever evolving. In both it's important to listen, in order to learn.

Easy solution.  Get rid of the dog.

You are very bad, I did nothing, not my fault if paul does not last long let me quietly near my Russian goddess

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Look, I know we're all friends here (at least in the EU sense, which means we might hate each others guts), but we're allowed to disagree on some points.

Foamy is SICK and TIRED of all this constant ragging on the RLC boys. If these girls wanted your dick, they'd PM you and set up a fucking date with you lonely, horny, jealous asses.

Scooter stays. Scooter has made Leora smile more than anything in her RLC life, and we want Leora to be happy.

Foamy has spoken.

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Look, I know we're all friends here (at least in the EU sense, which means we might hate each others guts), but we're allowed to disagree on some points.

Foamy is SICK and TIRED of all this constant ragging on the RLC boys. If these girls wanted your dick, they'd PM you and set up a fucking date with you lonely, horny, jealous asses.

Scooter stays. Scooter has made Leora smile more than anything in her RLC life, and we want Leora to be happy.

Foamy has spoken.

Leora's happy, we're all happy.  I agree, let Scooter stay.  She is so happy when she plays with him.

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Foamy is SICK and TIRED of all this constant ragging on the RLC boys. If these girls wanted your dick, they'd PM you and set up a fucking date with you lonely, horny, jealous asses.

I humbly bow to the awesomeness of this statement.

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I realize I have not always followed my advice. I was very negative toward Goon Boy. He hurt Alma's feelings. When a man gets engaged to an emotionally-based female, he needs to accept the fall-out and the responsibilities.

He could have handled the entire situation in a more mature manner. But actually he couldn't. Because he was Goon Boy.  ;D

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Paul manque d'imagination et n'arrive pas a faire jouir Léora

Il ne lui mange presque jamais la chatte

Quand il la carresse il n'y a pas de penetration du doigt

Est ce que Léora n'aime pas ce genre d'action ?

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