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Eva & Sam General Chat Topic 2019 #1

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7 hours ago, rebliz said:

I can't understand you and don't accept that you judge a man only by his sex abilities  

As I See in the LR they have fun he make her laugh they kissing briefly they enjoy together  

Very true. I am guilty of this judgment as well. In my own life, I have not met any woman who would stay with a man if he was as bad as Baldy sexually, BUT that doesn't mean there aren't women who have a higher priority than sex. As an example we know of the beautiful Leora who is with the dismal lover Paul and has been for many years. So thank you for the reminder!

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I think there's a very distinct difference between acknowledging when a guy is bad in bed and judging him simply because he's bad in bed. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying he's bad, boring, or just doesn't last long. If there was a girl who was a dead fish in bed or didn't give blow jobs, I'd be the first one to call her out on it. We all enjoy seeing the sex. Some ONLY want to see sex. I'd be hard pressed to think that anybody wants to see a guy fuck a girl only in missionary and cums in 5 minutes every single time. I know I don't and I'll never be apologetic about it.

Having said that, I think the crossing the line is when people get so wrapped up in their judgements that they start calling men all kinds of bad names simply because he's bad at sex. I think that's bullshit. Baldy may not be good at sex. It doesn't mean he's not a nice person or some kind of asshole. Smith, Markus, Ivan, Julio, even Paul, and a bunch others.. are all not good at sex but if you ever watched the apartment, they treat their girlfriends good and they get along with each very well... with the exception of Smith and his psycho girlfriend. Even though it's great to see really good sex, sometimes I think some of us really need to take a step back and realize that these people are not porn stars. Even I had to publicly apologize to Sam about this. And when a couple has bad sex, instead of getting petty and calling people names, it's best just to not watch the apartment despite how attracted you are to the girl.

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in French there is a difference between a con and an asshole ... a con synonymous with moron is judged not his lack of intelligence what is insulting, scornful and sufficient ...... an asshole is judged by his behavior antisocial or selfish who is not insulting but causes a disgust with respect to this person ..... during his 4 days Baldy as usual cooks made the dishes the storage had a loving behavior with his girlfriend with hugs words of smiles ... Sam does not do any of his stains and his behavior with Éva is related to his desire to fuck ... so for me the macho attitude of Sam (as well as Markus or Smith) is an attitude asshole ... it is said familiarly with friends fishing at work on all sports fields most of the time in the sense of joking

en français il y a une différence entre un con et un connard ...un con synonyme de crétin est jugé pas son manque d ' intelligence ce qui est injurieux ,méprisant et suffisant ......un connard est jugé par son comportement antisocial ou égoïste qui n ' est pas injurieux mais provoque un dégoût vis à vis de cette personne .....pendant ses 4 jours Baldy comme d ' habitude a cuisiné fait la vaisselle le rangement a eu un comportement affectueux avec sa copine avec des câlins des paroles des sourires ...Sam ne fait rien de toutes ses taches et son comportement avec Éva est  lié avec ses envies de baiser ...donc pour moi l attitude macho de Sam (ainsi que de Markus ou Smith ) est une attitude de connard ...on le dit familièrement entre amis à la pêche au travail sur tous les terrains de sport la plus part du temps dans le sens de la plaisanterie

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7 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

Eva and Sam just had a session. I didn't see so I can't say if it was a good one or not.

nothing seen apart from teasing .... last sex before the holidays .... I find Éva a little distant .. she puts Sam in her place in her speech more dry and more bath together

rien vu à part des taquineries....dernier sexe avant les fêtes ....je trouve Éva un peu distante ..elle remet Sam à sa place en parole plus sèche   et plus de bain ensemble 

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