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livingroomcam 1 now called 2 and locket for paying visiters !

Guest ferrymaat

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just because they had sex 3 times on that couch, only premium can watch them sit on it.

Good job RLC, good job!

. I agree Woof...this is going to piss off a lot of people.  I think that it was good PR for Rlc to have that exposure to entice new subscribers.....now they screwed it up.  I won't be renewing my subscription now.....stupidest thing they ever did
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Guest voyeurisa

but this is? had begun to follow RLC for this couple I like the things they do is the only camera where people who can not pay for economic issues can have fun .. so the only thing is that nobody renew your subscription RLC boring!

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just because they had sex 3 times on that couch, only premium can watch them sit on it.

Good job RLC, good job!

. I agree Woof...this is going to piss off a lot of people.  I think that it was good PR for Rlc to have that exposure to entice new subscribers.....now they screwed it up.  I won't be renewing my subscription now.....stupidest thing they ever did

  I have had a subscription with RLC for 6 months. Not any more.  I agree with billhole it would be good Promotion for them to give a tease to the public. RLC must have their heads up their ass. After 6 months---I am cancelling my subscription.  I guess they don't know how to run a business.
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comment sa se fait que la livingroom 1 et vérouillé

c'est normal qu'ils ont verouillé cette cam,fallait si attendre, car tout le monde peut voir

du sex gratuit avec eux sans être obligé de payer,c'est logique.

au debut j'avais payé mais quand j'ai vu qu'il fesait du sex gratuit,je me suis desabonné,à mon avis y en a beaucoup qui ont dû faire comme moi.

aucun interet de payer si tout le monde peut voir du sex gratuit mais maintenant je vais peut-être changer d'avis.rlc ont enfin compris comment faire du business,il était tant.

mais bon c'est trop tard,j'ai déjà eu ma dose de sex gratuit avec eux.

j'attends le prochain couple pour m'abonner mais yen a d'autres à virer de rlc avant eux!

je rapelle que le but du site est que les gens s'abonnent,pas que les gens voit tout gratuitement.

je pense que les prochains à subir le même sort sera leora/paul qui font beaucoup de sex gratuit dans le living.

it's normal this cam is locked now because all people can see free sex with this couple and not pay for see that.rlc want the guys pay for see sex,not see sex for free,j think it's normal.

j think next couple with cam locked in living  is leora/paul because make many free sex in living room

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kiki1 this a quote from you on Oct. 1.  Now what are you saying? "


Random Discussion / Re: what interesting watching right now ......

« on: October 01, 2013, 09:34:54 AM »

my opinion is rlc need to make totally free,not necessary pay 30$ for acces bedroom or bathroom

because not many difference with  cams unlocked we have.

and rlc can win money with some publicity on the site.

it's finish for me pay 30 $ for acces all cams."

I am not saying that RLC should be free.  I am saying that they need to PROMOTE their sight better.

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