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Ann, Also Know as Akathome


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Guest rocky3

sieht irgendwie viel besser aus als hula hoop mit gegrätschen Beinen, betenden Händen und Oma-Strapsen  ;) ;) ;) ;)

I think people here have understood you hate Ann, but maybe you have short memory since you repeat yourself all the time. I also think you miss the point that this hooping could not be done with a heavy weight hoop -  you can try, but i dont think you would be here for a while after.

Of all the people here, you seem to be the one who have the ugliest brain, and a very hateful person. Life must be hard for you.

JoJo here make at least a point, and dont just spit ugly comments out

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C'è una persona in questo posto che trova la sua felicità insultando tutti. (per non fare nomi, la persona che scrive solo in tedesco)

Forse è un modo come un altro per farsi leggere. altrimenti lui non viene cagato da nessuno.

Questa persona è consapevole di fare del male agli altri e da questo trova la sua felicità.

Se questa persona avesse uno specchio, potrebbe insultare se stesso per tutto il giorno.

Lui vivrebbe meglio e non farebbe del male a nessuno.

Ma lui è troppo stupido, forse lui ha qualche deficienza mentale. nessun istituto per igiene mentale lo ha voluto, lui è un caso troppo difficile.

Speriamo solo che Ann non creda a quello che dice questa persona.

Ann, io so che cento commenti buoni, non valgono un commento cattivo.

Ma tu pensa che lui e pochi altri non hanno niente di meglio che insultare la gente, mentre gli altri non sono come lui.

There is one person in this place who finds his happiness insulting everyone. (not to mention the name of the person who wrote in German only)

Maybe it's a way as any to be read. Otherwise he is not shit from anyone.

This person is aware of doing harm to others and this is her happiness.

If this person had a mirror, it might insult to himself throughout the day.

He would live better and would not hurt anyone.

But he's too stupid, maybe he has some mental deficiency. No institution for mental wanted him, he's a hard case too.

Let's just hope Ann does not believe what this person says.

Ann, I know that a hundred good comments, not worth a bad comment.

But you think that he and a few others have nothing better than to insult people, while others are not like him.

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Guest trixi

19 pages now in this thread and 99% of it only senseless discussions about Ann...

The best way to kill a good board  :-[

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19 pages now in this thread and 99% of it only senseless discussions about Ann...

The best way to kill a good board  :-[

Unfortunately, Ann doesn't do all that much on her cam.  I mean, once you've seen her hula hoop or rub lotion on her tits, what else is there to do...but talk about her?

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Guest rocky3

19 pages now in this thread and 99% of it only senseless discussions about Ann...

The best way to kill a good board  :-[

Unfortunately, Ann doesn't do all that much on her cam.  I mean, once you've seen her hula hoop or rub lotion on her tits, what else is there to do...but talk about her?

There are plenty there who do nothing at all..so why not give them some attention instead then?

She dont deserve all these bad things..she did open a free page for people like me, who like to see how she get on in life. It shows shes loyal to people who like her, even she know that open for harassment.

Why bother to give her attention at all, when you dont like her

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19 pages now in this thread and 99% of it only senseless discussions about Ann...

The best way to kill a good board  :-[

Unfortunately, Ann doesn't do all that much on her cam.  I mean, once you've seen her hula hoop or rub lotion on her tits, what else is there to do...but talk about her?

There are plenty there who do nothing at all..so why not give them some attention instead then?

She dont deserve all these bad things..she did open a free page for people like me, who like to see how she get on in life. It shows shes loyal to people who like her, even she know that open for harassment.

Why bother to give her attention at all, when you dont like her

I DO like her.

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