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TBG 150

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Who knows? I'm sure Kraft Foods has the feelers out in Russia too, peddling their tainted crap to the unsuspecting. Processed junk loaded with mind altering drugs for the New World Order to take you over very slowly, so that when their plan is in place, you'll be pre-indoctrinated.

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That has to be it. But the mind altering comes slow after years of consuming these drugs. It isn't like just a few hits and you're feeling right. This stuff that the food companies are poisoning you with is some nasty shit man. Really nasty shit.

It's been said that the New World Order wants a maximum of 1.5 billion people on the planet at any one time. So you figure currently there are 7.2 billion people. What better way to do a mass killing than by the food supplies and the general healthcare systems.

People really need to wake up. Time is short. I'm not a gloom and doomer, but it's coming. Remember my words if in 20 years you still do and you'll see it happen before your eyes. You just may be a target yourself. You'll think that that CC nutcase was right. I should have listened before it was too late.

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