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Reallifecam Complaint


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Last days in the apartments are absolutly BORING. Some couples never have some action, (only Isabel, Leora and Varya sometime do something) so I'm sending an email to support[at]reallifecam[dot]com to express my disappointment, saying that I'm going to not renew my subscription and asking some couple refresh.

I think that if we send a little mass-mails they have listen to us and make some changes.

Here is the email I'm sending. Please if is necessary correct english syntax / grammar / ortography because I'm italian.

Oggetto : Account Unscribe


Hi, I am going to unscribe me from the payment account. During the christmas holidays all the apartmens were empty, so I lost many days of the subscription for nothing. Moreove the life in the houses has become so so so so BORING.

Only Leora & Paul, Isabel & Marcel seldom have some action, but ALL OTHER couples (expecially Lora & Max, Alina and Anton, Maya & Stepan) are ABSOLUTLY BORING and USELESS.

I've read on various forums that many people are angry for that, so I am going to subscribe a new account when there will be some couple refresh.

Regards, Luigi

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Hey Goomba...

Let us add a few corrections to your email, shall we.

Your version:


Hi, I am going to unscribe me from the payment account. During the christmas holidays all the apartmens were empty, so I lost many days of the subscription for nothing. Moreove the life in the houses has become so so so so BORING.

Only Leora & Paul, Isabel & Marcel seldom have some action, but ALL OTHER couples (expecially Lora & Max, Alina and Anton, Maya & Stepan) are ABSOLUTLY BORING and USELESS.

I've read on various forums that many people are angry for that, so I am going to subscribe a new account when there will be some couple refresh.

Regards, Luigi

Corrected version:


My name is Luigi Goomba. I currently hold an account with your website, RealLifeCams.com. After careful review of the apartments, I regret to inform you that I wish to cancel said account for the following reasons.

During the holidays, many apartments were empty. Those that were occupied had little to no action at all within them. People just sit and watch television, sleep or look at their computers for hours on end. While I agree, this may be a real life situation, to pay to watch people do nothing is beyond reason. In short, the concept is outright boring.

Maybe you need to get some people that do more then sit home and do nothing all day. If you are compensating these individuals with rental costs and maybe a percentage of gross views and new accounts, you are throwing money away when you could have couples residing in these apartments that are active and create a higher gross income.

I have also read on various forums that people are displeased and are also cancelling their accounts due to the inactivity of the apartment residents. Should you decide to bring more exciting couples into these apartments in the future, I would be happy to reinstate my paid account.


Luigi Goomba

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Last days in the apartments are absolutly BORING. Some couples never have some action, (only Isabel, Leora and Varya sometime do something) so I'm sending an email to support[at]reallifecam[dot]com to express my disappointment, saying that I'm going to not renew my subscription and asking some couple refresh.

I think that if we send a little mass-mails they have listen to us and make some changes.

Here is the email I'm sending. Please if is necessary correct english syntax / grammar / ortography because I'm italian.

Oggetto : Account Unscribe


Hi, I am going to unscribe me from the payment account. During the christmas holidays all the apartmens were empty, so I lost many days of the subscription for nothing. Moreove the life in the houses has become so so so so BORING.

Only Leora & Paul, Isabel & Marcel seldom have some action, but ALL OTHER couples (expecially Lora & Max, Alina and Anton, Maya & Stepan) are ABSOLUTLY BORING and USELESS.

I've read on various forums that many people are angry for that, so I am going to subscribe a new account when there will be some couple refresh.

Regards, Luigi

and what the answer the support rlc have you make? me too j have give my opinion for different problem for camera positions or language english for couple and always answer"we work for that" lol bullshit,it's 6 months j wait and nothing change!!for example if there is new couple come next after max/lora and j see the camera positions have no change in bedroom,j don't renew my suscription.j don't know if rlc support listen complaint of members.now j stay only free guest if nothing change.

and the new couple varya/igor are always many time outside appartment,when j'm connect,many time no couple inside,it's not intersting pay for see no people inside appart or always sleep!! bye rlc for me if nothing change.j'm agree with you blusqualo,except maya,leora and isabell,rest all couple are the shit and bored,come with me on myfreecams,it's free and we back on rlc when there is some good news,not necessery pay 30$ now for see this bored couples

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Last days in the apartments are absolutly BORING. Some couples never have some action, (only Isabel, Leora and Varya sometime do something) so I'm sending an email to support[at]reallifecam[dot]com to express my disappointment, saying that I'm going to not renew my subscription and asking some couple refresh.

I think that if we send a little mass-mails they have listen to us and make some changes.

Here is the email I'm sending. Please if is necessary correct english syntax / grammar / ortography because I'm italian.

Oggetto : Account Unscribe


Hi, I am going to unscribe me from the payment account. During the christmas holidays all the apartmens were empty, so I lost many days of the subscription for nothing. Moreove the life in the houses has become so so so so BORING.

Only Leora & Paul, Isabel & Marcel seldom have some action, but ALL OTHER couples (expecially Lora & Max, Alina and Anton, Maya & Stepan) are ABSOLUTLY BORING and USELESS.

I've read on various forums that many people are angry for that, so I am going to subscribe a new account when there will be some couple refresh.

Regards, Luigi

This what you get from them


Thank you for your suggestion.

Have a nice day.


Support Team,


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Hey Goomba...

Let us add a few corrections to your email, shall we.

Your version:


Hi, I am going to unscribe me from the payment account. During the christmas holidays all the apartmens were empty, so I lost many days of the subscription for nothing. Moreove the life in the houses has become so so so so BORING.

Only Leora & Paul, Isabel & Marcel seldom have some action, but ALL OTHER couples (expecially Lora & Max, Alina and Anton, Maya & Stepan) are ABSOLUTLY BORING and USELESS.

I've read on various forums that many people are angry for that, so I am going to subscribe a new account when there will be some couple refresh.

Regards, Luigi

Corrected version:


My name is Luigi Goomba. I currently hold an account with your website, RealLifeCams.com. After careful review of the apartments, I regret to inform you that I wish to cancel said account for the following reasons.

During the holidays, many apartments were empty. Those that were occupied had little to no action at all within them. People just sit and watch television, sleep or look at their computers for hours on end. While I agree, this may be a real life situation, to pay to watch people do nothing is beyond reason. In short, the concept is outright boring.

Maybe you need to get some people that do more then sit home and do nothing all day. If you are compensating these individuals with rental costs and maybe a percentage of gross views and new accounts, you are throwing money away when you could have couples residing in these apartments that are active and create a higher gross income.

I have also read on various forums that people are displeased and are also cancelling their accounts due to the inactivity of the apartment residents. Should you decide to bring more exciting couples into these apartments in the future, I would be happy to reinstate my paid account.


Luigi Goomba

tbg150 you see it's not only me complain lol and you always you protect Real live monastery LOL looks like you work for RLM

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Ok, many thanks for nice corrections.

I am going to send.

I think if we all start sending email like that something have to change. The current situation is not acceptable for it's price.

please can you put the answer here for support rlc do for your request.thanks.

me,j have send similar requests few weeks and few months ago but always stupid answer"we work for that" but nothing change.

rlc have just put new strange couple with varya/igor (this guy is very special) j don't like this guy.

j think rlc need some help for do good casting!!j'm very angry to rlc team

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Guest Squirrel

There's a famous quote about opinions, since everyone has one.

I'm certain RLC takes this into consideration when they receive complaints.

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