TBG 150 Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 Okay. But keep the blues. That's depressing. Yeah, I am racist to an extent, but so is our Government. They've done more to divide this country than my miserable little rant ever will.
Guest Squirrel Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 Okay. But keep the blues. That's depressing. Yeah, I am racist to an extent, but so is our Government. They've done more to divide this country than my miserable little rant ever will. The blues, although ultimately derived from Scottish ballads and musical constructs, adds restrained timing, changes of keys with sustained pulls on the lead notes; it becomes a very different beast. Although the elements of it are very simple, it leads to complex musical forms. Jazz, R&B, R&R, and yes, even Industrial Pop Rock and Disco are indebted to it. I always consider human music to be like human warfare: they are both continual and evolving life forms. The distinctions between Jerry Lee Lewis and the Beatles, as well as the distinctions between WWI and WWII, are arbitrary and meaningless. All wars evolve from previous wars, as all music evolved from previous music. Now, have I managed to change the subject enough?
Guest Squirrel Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 Let me remind you what's happened on this mutating thread. Chick asks what porn you do or do not like. Dude A answers. 'Nother Dude B answers: the weird animal sex is ruled out, and to support his opinion, he posts a picture from a cheap porno movie of prehistoric beasts engaged in a sexual act. Chick replies that she can't unsee it. Dude B agrees that once seen, it cannot be unseen. Simply fact. Then Dude A launches into a tirade. Then Dude B brings up more culture and music, to distract the attention of others from the embarrassing tirade, while dragging Dude A's drunk ass out of the bar before the brawl can start. Then Dude A accuses him of being confused. Then Dude B smiles, taking great pride in his ability to confuse others. If extremely wealthy aliens came from outer space, and the women were really sexy, and the men were really sexy, do you think you'd succumb to their enticements if they pointed a ray gun at your head?" ;D
woodworker Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 Your still batting a thousand with me. As far as a girl doing a dog and so forth, well at least it would be cleaner. And as far as the PC word goes with me,.. Well my friend you and I both know it has nothing to do with 'Political Correctness' as much as it does with 'Political Contrivance'. A way of getting weak, feeble minded people, along with the usual sissy types in being too afraid to ever speak the truth, even when it is staring them in the face. The filthy liberals want us to think that up is down and down is up. Well, fuck them! I've seen what lies behind all their schemes, and they may work with some twelve or thirteen year boy or girl,.. But I was never that dumb and never that young. So, your in very good company with me.
Guest Moose Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 To hell with this crap. Major skin contact, plus a thick swollen member rubbing the insides of a lubricated tunnel rhythmically, are all any couple needs.
TBG 150 Posted January 10, 2014 Posted January 10, 2014 Dude A made some corrections adjustments to his tiraid. I cleaned it up out of plain decency to the administration sector of this board. That was not the intention of this board to have things of that nature posted so therfore, it's gone.
Kitten Posted January 11, 2014 Author Posted January 11, 2014 XD Maybe everyone should just buy a flesh light
TBG 150 Posted January 11, 2014 Posted January 11, 2014 Booooooring. They take longer to clean than to use.
Guest Squirrel Posted January 11, 2014 Posted January 11, 2014 XD Maybe everyone should just buy a flesh light I'm not sure how to use one. But I do understand that they don't require batteries. So I guess they're greener than a rabbit.
TBG 150 Posted January 11, 2014 Posted January 11, 2014 Rodent, if you're using a rabbit, I'm going to really worry for you. Silly rodent. Dicks are for chicks.
Guest Squirrel Posted January 11, 2014 Posted January 11, 2014 Haven't used one of them, either. Wifey and I are old school. Maybe the next RLC couple will demonstrate how these hi-tech devices are used. That way, RLC can advertise that it's an educational website, and get government funding from the Obama administration.
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