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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #72 August 2020

pulo filipe

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29 minutes ago, raul399 said:

hahaha, in that scene there is nothing religious, having a Buddha, using scented candles and incense, is a way to relax the mind and body, very typical of a tantric sex massage parlor .. hahaha ...
I do not see and I do not hear anything, but it is obvious, that it is a relaxing bath ... hahaha

You were certainly On Target

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5 minutes ago, gogism said:

The buddha IS close to her. The closest I think.

And...if anyone noticed - the (his!) statue is always (ok sideways, hehe) watching her. 🙂

I don't know too much about this religion, but if it relaxes her, and her actions pleases me, it's all good

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hmmm.... I have missed it - due to those 1k1 night guys yt video posts.

Watched closely, paying attention, no queen in my mind (do pls, excuse me for my behaving, my dear queen) I was just thinking about...the message.

And when it was all over I thought - the 1k1 guy sent a message. A wise message - through those 2 yt videos. How nice.

And then - it striked me - has this guy ever even watched them?!? I'd expect  he would appear in a diff way if he would... 😉

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