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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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Heavily armed militia members and other protesters gathered at the Michigan State Capitol in May 2020 demanding that the mask mandate be ended and the coronavirus quarantine be halted. It was during that...


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Just two days after President Donald Trump abruptly blew up bipartisan coronavirus relief talks, the Labor Department reported Thursday that around 1.3 million additional Americans filed for unemployment...


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If President Donald Trump loses to former Vice President Joe Biden in this year's presidential election, two of the main reasons are likely to be his response to his COVID-19 pandemic and his health care policy —...


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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If Trump should be arrested for this, then Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be arrested for the attempted assassination of two police officers in Los Angeles since both Joe and Kamala have spent the whole year condemning American police officers.

Are you taking the same shit as your dear leader, or did you get a dose when your tongue was up his ass?

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, like the BLM and ANTIFA thugs who have been rioting in Portland,OR for over 100 consecutive days, and the ANTIFA and BLM thugs who burned and looted businesses and government buildings in Kenosha, Minneapolis, and New York City.

Far-Right Wolverine militia, which contains members of Proud Boyz and Boogaloo Boys.  Wake the fuck up/

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51 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Given how brazenly Republicans blocked Barack Obama's judicial nominees on an unprecedented scale and then packed the federal courts with young, conservative judicial activists, it was disappointing...


I say when we have all 3 chambers we scorch the fucking earth!!

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4 hours ago, golfer06 said:

no. that is what regular people of all beliefs say when they get sick of your stupid moronic posts based on trump ass news & such. so in case you missed the gist of his post SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does the truth really hurt your ears that badly, little duffer?

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4 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Given how brazenly Republicans blocked Barack Obama's judicial nominees on an unprecedented scale and then packed the federal courts with young, conservative judicial activists, it was disappointing...


And the only reason the Democrats can't block Trump's appointments is because the dumb ass DEMOCRAT Sen. Harry Reid did away with the Senate's 60 vote rule in the judicial confirmation process.   According to the Constitution the president appoints judges to Federal courts and the Senate confirms the appointments. That's exactly what President Trump and the Senate have been doing. Also, according to the Constitution we have three COEQUAL branches of government: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial .  The only way the number of justices on the Supreme Court should be changed is through a Constitutional amendment in order to maintain the "separation of powers" provisions of the Constitution. Since the three branches of government  are coequal what will the Democrats do if the Supreme Court declares  "packing" the court to be a violation of the "separation of powers" clause; thus making "court packing" unconstitutional, and then the Court refuses to accept the new justices.   Who do the Democrats appeal that decision to?

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