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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 3

pulo filipe

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19 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I think you are not alone in saying that to you Leora is the most attractive.  Leora is a pretty woman but there are and have been others that in my opinion, who are also worthy of being the most attractive!  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but it is still only skin deep!!

As for what's happening or not happening in the other apartments, I for one don't care to even really think about them when there are men involved.  Take B4 for example, what a waste with Mr. & Mrs. T being there.  What's next, is all of the Barca GOV's going to start casting live in guys?  I hope and pray that doesn't happen, and if it does, it will be a big mistake for RLC and a sign of total desperation!!

     Yes, there's no doubt that everyone views others in life differently, and you are certainly right about beauty being in the eye of the beholder and only skin deep, because there have always been many attractive people who time did not seem to favor so well.

    As far as any of the other current participants may go, that's probably some good reasons why I seldomly ever even bother to live stream any of them unless something looks like it might be really interesting in some thumb or thumbs related to any of the others. I do think that Holly is an attractive woman also. She also has a lips tat on her right ass cheek that reminds me of a once very attractive adult film star who was known as Jill Kelly if I'm not mistaken, who happened to have very nearly the same lips tat in nearly the same location.

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3 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Yes, there's no doubt that everyone views others in life differently, and you are certainly right about beauty being in the eye of the beholder and only skin deep, because there have always been many attractive people who time did not seem to favor so well.

    As far as any of the other current participants may go, that's probably some good reasons why I seldomly ever even bother to live stream any of them unless something looks like it mighy be really interesting in some thumb or thumbs related to any of the others. I do think that Holly is an attractive woman also. 

Like I told you earlier, Elmira is it for me!

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