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US General Domestic Politics #11 Begin 11/10/20

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4 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

The pandemic has accelerated a change in housing in the U.S. that began well before the spread of...

Looks like golfer06 & 0_U812 will be living with their mommy for the rest of their life.

republican control of government has led the country on the path to disaster. but you have your guns so everything is fine. you won't have to worry about moving in with anyone or having them move in with you as nobody will be able to stand living with you.

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

MAGA stands for "Make America Great Again" and that includes improving inner city schools so that when students graduate from those schools they are not illiterate. Then maybe they can improve their economic status and end the cycle of poverty among inner city Black Americans. Democrats want inner city Blacks to remain under educated, because it's easier to keep those people on the Democrat Plantation.

maga from dear leader's mouth means make african americans go away. bozo & the rest of the republicans have done & will do nothing to help anyone. for a long time they didn't want the country to move forward. now they actually are leading it backward.do us all a big favor & go to a superspreader church or holiday dinner. listen to scott atlas & dear leader. when you get sick & die nobody will miss you.

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16 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

They can have their opinions, but I also have my right to question and judge their opinions. It is people on the left who are trying to silence dissent. Liberal progressive socialist Marxists can't tolerate anyone who does not agree with them. 

you are an idiot.

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16 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

When did Donald Trump ever claim to be blue collar? He will proudly tell you that he is rich, but Joe Biden won't.  "Sleepy Joe" wants ignorant Democrats like you to believe that he is part of working class America. 

biden grew up as a normal person with a father that worked to support his family. dildohead grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth & couldn't make it without daddy's $.

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You just proved what I said. People like you cannot tolerate free speech and dissent.  Was I lying when I said that Joe Biden is a multi-millionaire who owns 4 homes or when I said he has spent his adult life as a government employee?

what a dummy you are.

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