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US General Domestic Politics #11 Begin 11/10/20

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Republican politicians had better wise up and grow a spine. If they do not contest and expose the fraud that took place by Democrats in the 2020 election they will pay the price in future elections. If the voting process is not cleaned up and people are not prosecuted for voter fraud Republicans will lose every future U.S. Senate and Governors race in states where Democrats control the major cities, because if not made to pay a price for cheating Democrats will do the same thing in future elections that they did in the 2020 election.:sad:

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7 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

He's not much use to Trump anyways, he hasn't proved nothing except saying he had a binder full of sworn affidavits which he refuses to produce to any courts.

Wrong. He has produced them to several courts, but the partisan and cowardly judges will not allow the people who signed those affidavits to testify in court. The Establishment protects itself. Apparently Canadian tv doesn't allow you to see those witnesses testifying before the legislatures of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia.  At this point do you think any judge wants to be the one who overturns the results of the vote in his state and thus may deny Joe Biden the presidency?  Can you imagine how much hell would come down upon that judge. Even if Trump's lawyers present undeniable proof of fraud that changed the election outcome no judge is going to overturn the election.The bottom line is that the Democrats have successfully stolen a presidential election.

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On 12/5/2020 at 2:15 PM, golfer06 said:

you should read it once in a while you might learn something.

I'll make you a deal. You start listening to Rush Limbaugh and watching Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin, and  NewsMax and I'll start reading your stupid left wing blogs.:cool:

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I'll make you a deal. You start listening to Rush Limbaugh and watching Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin, and  NewsMax and I'll start reading your stupid left wing blogs.:cool:

i've seen enough of them. they represent the problems. hearing a bunch of lies is of no interest to me. it's obvious that you will be happy to continue living in fantasyland.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Just hundreds of poll worker and U.S. Postal Service employees who judges will not allow to testify because the judges don't want to risk being attacked by the establishment and having their careers destroyed. Glad to see you think stealing a lesson is funny.

Trump's hand-picked far RW judges are throwing his shit out.  Establishment my ass.  You're just stupid.

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