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B4 Girls & Couples On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #35 (December)

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23 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

I think it's just silly to label what's happening on a voyeur site as shows vs reality. as we have no basis for determining whether an event can be categorised as show or as a real life experience. We really can't objectively differentiate between what's real and what's not real.  For example, when they have a party and they are doing Karaoke, is it possible to say if they are doing it for the views or it's just something that they enjoy doing and they would do it even if the cameras were not there. It's just a subjective matter, and anyone can draw his/her own conclusion. just to express myself better I give you another example, Lets say Bogdan fucks Nelly when then wake up in the morning, how can we determine if their sex was a real thing that they would do regardless of where they are, or they have decided to do it to get some views and make money. so what I tend to do is to not engage my brain in a mental gymnastic and just categorize events as entertaining or boring. 

I find the girls/girl or boy/girl sexual interaction boring to watch when it becomes repetitive and passionless, and they do the same thing over and over again. girl/girl sex on RLC becomes boring faster than boy/girl as most of these girls are straight and they have no passion for lesbian sex. 

I found the Anthony & Loraine + Amalia's threesome interesting to watch even though it was short. Anthony was obviously nervous, which is a normal reaction to that situation and he was excited at the same time. it was interesting to see how far each of them are willing to go. and the kisses and touches between them were passionate and very real. now compare that to the daily routine shows of Leora & Malia, Megan & Holly, or b2 girls and you will understand why I rather see couples and guys in the apartments than just girls. 

Interesting points and I agree with most of them . At the end , it might be that due to the few choices we have with the apartments currently plus the stupid virus years we are all facing , perhaps we are over analyzing everything instead of simply just sit back , relax and enjoy whatever each and everyone of us finds interesting and entertaining to watch . 

I think also that sometimes the comments here at the forum create subconsciously tension with the opinions that are presented and instead of commenting on tenants and what we saw , we try to find arguments and as you say characterize  what we see either as a show or real life . 

At the end of the day , starting with me first , maybe we should be less explaining what and who we see and what they do and simply watch and enjoy 😊😇😉


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Nouveau bonsoir à tous vous pensez réellement que Bogdan que je déteste baise Holly. Je suis dégouté, c'est vrai elle minaude devant la brute il est répugnant ça fait des semaines qu'il veut baiser la petite. Sil la baise et que Holly accepte alors Qu'elle a la possibilité à Barcelone de baiser avec des types mois gluants. Elle tombe dans mon estime. C'est une comédie elle doit être accroc à la grosse bite de ce Bogdan ce gigolo de kermesse qui est faux, rusé, hautain ! Holly je la croyais plus respectueuse envers Nelly. D'ailleurs elle semble au courant et laisse faire, le couple bat de l'aile. Il y a des absences répétées de la maison , ils doivent baiser en ville pas dans la villa. franchement écœuré. Je trouvais Holly, courageuse de repousser cet idiot, ce clown, en fait c'est un scénario, vraiment honteux !

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10 minutes ago, LUCKY2962 said:

New good evening everyone you really think Bogdan I hate is fucking Holly. I'm disgusted, it's true she smirks in front of the bully he's disgusting he's been wanting to fuck the little one for weeks. If he fucks her and Holly accepts that she has the possibility in Barcelona to fuck with slimy guys. It falls in my esteem. It's a comedy she must be hooked on the big cock of this Bogdan, this gigolo at a fair who is false, cunning, haughty! Holly, I thought she was more respectful of Nelly. Besides, she seems to know and lets it go, the couple is struggling. There are repeated absences from the house, they have to fuck in town, not in the villa. frankly disgusted. I found Holly, brave to push this idiot, this clown, in fact it's a scenario, really shameful!

I couldn't agree more!!

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Enfin on a aucune preuve ! une fois elle lui mis un vent , il était fou de colère, il est resté 1h en bathroom pour la guetter, je le dis ce type est un vrai porc il le porte sur son facies. Holly si c'est vrai ne serait qu'une roulure. Par contre elle fait rien à part se mater dans la glace du matin au soir. Jamais un petit copain au pieu. En plus si elle se fait sauter par le bellâtre de fête foraine à l'abris des cameras, C'est encore plus répugnant🤮

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