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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 6

Guest Slipper Guyquad

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good night / Good Morning 

Everyone have a great happy day with good job joy 

Until tomorrow for everyone 


Good night beautiful girls  

Leora and Malia 💞👸🌟

Have a great night of friends 

See you tomorrow 

Sweet dreams girls 


Big kiss 😘🐈


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2 hours ago, scutus said:

Perhaps to be replaced, or at least delayed by the pure excitement of cleaning jewelry !   😊

Real life at its best. Not likely to be seen anywhere else in the RLC project. 😊

Including house cleaning done by the tenants. Rather than, as is done in other apartments, having an outsider do the house cleaning for them !😏


Surprising just how dirty a place can get, especially when it's empty for a great deal of the week....Sorry mate couldn't resist it.🥴🤪

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5 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Surprising just how dirty a place can get, especially when it's empty for a great deal of the week....Sorry mate couldn't resist it.🥴🤪

Jimbo, evidently you are not aware of the fact that there are no filters in the heating vents in the floor. 🤣

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animal christmas GIF

Good Morning

good night

We are a big family 

🐨👯 🗼 🐈 🐴🦝🐿️ 🐶 🐱🦨 💀 🔭 🏍️ 🌟🕵️🌶️ nick  chris 😁 😈gunter🦍🐊 chat  👊 gag-her 

gogism patou  daerjohn new york joe

Everyone have a great happy day with joy 

good day of work



Good morning Beautiful girls so cute so good 

Leora and Malia and sexy girl

great happy day with joy 


🐈 😘

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il y a 13 minutes, pulo filipe a dit :

Tired Good Night GIF par GIPHY Studios Originals

Dors bien, jolies filles 

Leora et Malia 💖 👸 🌟

😘 🐈

Je n’entend plus Leora parler à Paul est-ce que c’est normal car je suis pas connecté à ces heures d’appels je l’ai observé hier mais peut de temps.
Bonne journée a Tous

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il y a 6 minutes, pulo filipe a dit :

leora parle à Paul chaque jour Message 

Matin après midi nuit



Merci Pulo car je la voyais moins sur son téléphone depuis dimanche soir.cela est vrais je me couche tôt je suis pas trop du soir et à un décalage de 5 h avec la RUSSIE et merci pour les vidéos

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2 minutes ago, patou said:

Thank you Pulo because I saw her less on her phone since Sunday evening. This is true I go to bed early I am not too late at night and at a delay of 5 hours with RUSSIA and thank you for the videos

Unless you are in Russia......Leora is in the Czech Republic

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