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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 7


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34 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Io fossi in Malia sarei arrabbiata con lei, visto che la settimana scorsa è rimasta a casa perché la signorina Leora aveva litigato, di nuovo, con il suo ragazzo. Facendo saltare la serata a Malia. 


40 minutes ago, gomer said:

Even so, while the hickey monster is hammering away at that lovely gash, I'm convinced Leora is laying there mentally screaming, "Oh Yes, Gomer! Oh God, Gomer!  Just like that, Gomer!"

Go gomer go fuck off and let a real man fuck me go alladino thats it im almost there go on fuck me harder cum over my face go piss on me like you do go on yèssssss

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
4 hours ago, Alladino said:

Sure, lamenting after leora here is clearly a sign of your victory. 🤣


Ah but so, so crevallious!! 

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