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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 9

pulo filipe

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14 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

No one knows what they have planned, what they've chosen, or what they're thinking. Only time will tell. 

Dubito che riusciranno a masturbarsi con tutto quel whiskey in corpo. Dubito anche che arrivano fino al letto di Leora 🤣

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Maybe now everyone can understand how much better this today is , being real and coming from the heart ( and the whiskey 😂🤣 ) , and there are hardly no negative comments or anything similar . Perhaps this is an answer to the question if real is better .. 

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È chiaro che stasera non vedremo altro.

È bello che si divertano ma...sarà solo una mia sensazione ma qualcosa è cambiato tra loro due. Terza sera di fila che, a parte le due sere che Leora si è masturbata, non si è visto altro. E se domani Malia andrà dal suo ragazzo e Leora farà lo stesso siamo già a quattro serate di seguito senza che sia successo qualcosa tra loro due. Il che è strano se si pensa che fino a qualche settimana fa non si facevano problemi a masturbarsi insieme. 


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15 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

It is clear that we will not see anything else tonight.

It's nice that they have fun but ... it will just be my feeling but something has changed between the two of them. Third night in a row that, apart from the two evenings that Leora masturbated, nothing else was seen. And if tomorrow Malia goes to her boyfriend and Leora does the same, we are already four nights in a row without something having happened between them. Which is strange when you consider that up until a few weeks ago they didn't mind masturbating together. 


What started out as a night that looked promising, it is quickly fading. Its after 1: AM and the chances of anything happening this late are next to nothing.

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