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Nina & Kira (2019) Part #3b

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2 hours ago, hs6127 said:

There must have been a sale on these lamps.  Rossy and Sienna have the same one in their bedroom.

I've seen those lamps in several other apts as well.  I think they might be VHTV "spare equipment" to provide to new tenants if they lack certain furniture.  The same thing happened back in RLC.  The famous couch at N&K's RLC hovel was the very same style of couch at Eva and Sam's RLC hovel, and a few others.  I have a feeling some of these apartments come "pre-furnished" with certain pieces of furniture, for whatever reason.  Remember, there was never an exercise bicycle at N&K's RLC apt, but there is one now at the VH apt.  I'd venture to say that neither of them decided on purchasing an exo-bike during their move from one side of StP to the other (and hence why it never gets used).  

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Thanks Kjeld.  The above 2 videos are interesting on several counts.  N&K are indeed acting as Managers, otherwise why would they be the ones there fixing the cams?  They are technically proficient, if not experts.   They did not screw the cam to the wall because, a) it's overkill, these things are not heavy.  b) they may not be allowed to by the terms of the lease, which implies they've read the lease. c) I don't think they possess a battery powered drill yet (but they ought to get one).  They can easily connect to VHTV to view any apartment they wish. Whether that's for technical or pleasure reasons we have yet to find out?  Kira deliberately unbuttoned her shirt to flirt with the camera, probably wishing to boost viewing figures.  Definitely Managers!


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I think I need to modify my assessment of their abilities.  Just watched back on the timeline and it took them ages to fix that hallway cam.  Maybe downgrade to adequate.  I suspect they did not clean the area where they were putting the adhesives strips properly.  A little tip girls, clean the area with nail varnish remover (Acetone), that degreases anything very easily, and all ladies have that to hand.  It also only took them 20 minutes to get home afterwards, so not too far away from their friends

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7 hours ago, sturmchaser said:

I've seen those lamps in several other apts as well.  I think they might be VHTV "spare equipment" to provide to new tenants if they lack certain furniture.  The same thing happened back in RLC.  The famous couch at N&K's RLC hovel was the very same style of couch at Eva and Sam's RLC hovel, and a few others.  I have a feeling some of these apartments come "pre-furnished" with certain pieces of furniture, for whatever reason.  Remember, there was never an exercise bicycle at N&K's RLC apt, but there is one now at the VH apt.  I'd venture to say that neither of them decided on purchasing an exo-bike during their move from one side of StP to the other (and hence why it never gets used).  

Kira has already used the Exo-bike, for example on December 9th at 19:45. Unfortunately, my proof photo upload just doesn't work.

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2 hours ago, Le5b0 said:

Je pense que je dois modifier mon évaluation de leurs capacités. Je viens de regarder sur la chronologie et il leur a fallu des siècles pour réparer cette caméra de couloir. Peut-être rétrograder à adéquat. Je soupçonne qu'ils n'ont pas nettoyé la zone où ils mettaient correctement les bandes adhésives. Un petit conseil filles, nettoyez la zone avec du dissolvant pour vernis à ongles (acétone), qui dégraisse très facilement tout le monde, et toutes les dames ont ça à portée de main. Il leur a également fallu seulement 20 minutes pour rentrer chez eux par la suite, donc pas trop loin de leurs amis

Le ruban adhésif n'est pas suffisant combien de fois j'ai vu les caméras mal attacher tombée au sol dans d'autres appartements par contre vous avez peut-être raison que sur le bail ils n'ont peut-être pas le droit de faire des trous dans le mur

he duct tape isn’t enough how many times I’ve seen the cameras loose to the ground in other apartments though you may be right that on the lease they may not have the right to make holes in the wall

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I've seen those lamps in several other apts as well.  I think they might be VHTV "spare equipment" to provide to new tenants if they lack certain furniture.  


As @Kjeld Carlsen pointed out, these lamps are regular IKEA. As is most of the interior. Perhaps the VHTV management has an IKEA Family Member Card 🙂 

On a more serious note: I can imagine that buying furniture at a global company is easier for VHTV. Quick and easy. Perhaps tennants get some value in IKEA gift cards to decorate and furniture their own apartment?

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