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US General Domestic Politics #3 Begins 01/25/21.

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If true, then shame on Cuomo.  I tend to believe Letitia James.


Thousands more New York state nursing home residents may have died of COVID-19 than Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration has publicly...


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10 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If it's so easy to find another job why are so many Americans unemployed right now?:huh:

Because Trump and the GOP trashed the economy.  These are Union workers.  They'll get work sooner than anybody else.

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Democrat voters rejected Bernie Sanders in favor of Joe Biden because they considered Sanders' policies too radical, and now as president Joe Biden is implementing Bernie's radical policies.:dodgy:

Dude, you literally have shit for your brains.

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10 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Now people are assigned to jobs? I thought people were free to determine where they are going to work? You Stalinists are working fast.

I'm in a Union, and I'm assigned to jobs when they open up.  Asshole.

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11 hours ago, Thestarider said:

If there was any doubt that money talks and the dems bullshit walks.

Image may contain: text that says 'Edmonton Alberta Manitoba Hardisty Saskatchewan Calgary Ontano Winnipeg Helena North NorthDakota Dakota Montana Bismarck Minnesota erre Wyoring south tkota Wisco Nebraska lowa Lincola Flanagan inois Indiana Kansas Topek Enbridge Proposed Enbridge Expansion Route (includes Alberta Clipper Line 61, Flanagan South, and Seaway pipelines) Oklahoma Oklahome Springfield St. Lours Wood River • Patoka Missouri Cushing Arkan6a5 TransCanada Keystone Pipeline Teras Loursiana Proposed Keystone Expansion Austin Port Arthur Houston'

Warren Buffet aka Enbridge owns a Tar Sand Pipeline system nearly identical to Keystone. Buffets system is called Flanagan South and Clipper........both systems deliver Tar Sand Heavy crude from Hardisty Canada to Cushing Oklahoma. Both systems are pictured below.........now IF you believe Bidens order against Keystone was about saving the Climate you might ask WHY he doesnt order Buffet to shut down Flanagan South?

So then why was the Keystone Pipeline, which cuts into Native American land, even necessary?  Think boy, think.

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Democrat voters rejected Bernie Sanders in favor of Joe Biden because they considered Sanders' policies too radical, and now as president Joe Biden is implementing Bernie's radical policies.:dodgy:

Please tell us which policies you're referring to......asshole.

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2 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Because Trump and the GOP trashed the economy.  These are Union workers.  They'll get work sooner than anybody else.

Do you lie about everything?  Previous to the pandemic we had one of the greatest U.S. economies in our history. And the economy has been on the way to a big recovery from the devastation caused by the pandemic. What has kept the economy from improving faster are the iron fisted economic lockdowns of Democrat governors.  In the area of the pipeline there are no labor jobs that pay comparable to what these people were earning from working on the pipeline. Some were making as much as $250,000/ year. Think they will make that stocking shelves at Walmart or flipping burgers at McDonalds? 

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8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Fox News contributors Geraldo Rivera and Leo Terrell strongly disagreed on Thursday over President Donald Trump's role in inciting the deadly Capitol Hill insurrection. During a discussion about the...


And Terrell was correct, and as usual liberal Rivera was dead wrong. 

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8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial will be different from the first one in some key respects. First, Trump is no longer president of the United States. Second, the person presiding...


Keep spinning. Maybe you can find someone dumb enough to believe your bullshit. The purpose of impeachment is to remove an official from office. Any impeachment that does not remove someone from office is illegitimate, that's why Chief Justice Roberts wanted no part of it.

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