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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 17

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3 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

This afternoon, she began smiling before he'd even answered the phone. Tonight, she called, yelled at the top of her voice and hung up on him. Again.

I say this in all seriousness and concern. What does she really want out of all this in the end? Why is she willing to let herself go through so much yelling, anger, tears and tantrums over the same guy for what is now close to 7 months? All for the sake of a bit of 'Company'? If she wants him in her life, if she has decided he is the one for her in Prague, then why has there been constant trouble, constant arguments, constant shouting like a teacher to a scolded schoolboy? To then be forgiven and forgotten at the drop of a hat, only for it to then kick off yet again 2, 3 weeks later? I just don't get why she is prepared to be put through this time and time again. One day he's perfect, the next she hates him. There is always something wrong between them, not just a difference of opinion, but something that requires a shouting match and text lecture, right from the first few weeks onwards. We've seen it constantly for the last 6 months, we'll probably see it for the next 6 as well. Ok, granted, tonight was nothing compared to some in the past, but it still happened - Yet another yelling call to him, yet another night she got angry at him out of nowhere. Yet more trouble. And none of us like seeing or hearing any of this. But of course, none of can do anything about it, nor should we be able to. It's her life. Her choice. But we witness it all. 

We are merely viewers of this apartment, that's all we are, and we can only talk about what we see and hear on camera, the things that are put in front of us. But when you lose count of the times this happens, it shows you why this topic is mentioned so much. Because it has played a big part in proceedings for this long, and to make matters worse, at times he will be wondering what on earth he's done wrong once again and i do have sympathy for him on that - But that's not the point is it? It DOES get her angry, it does make her yell at him time after time. We talked about it in August, talked about it in November, talking about it now in February. Does she expect this to be going this time next year, the same way, the same arrangements, the same trouble? It's an astonishing situation and i defy anyone to make real sense out of it. Because there isn't any.

But as we all know by now, this time tomorrow, all will be forgotten. Again.

Some relationships are toxic w/o those involved knowing it. She either truly wants it to work, or maybe he/she are too controlling for the other person,...  What I'm sure of is a 'new' relationship isn't/doesn't become meaningful if you see the person 1x/week and treat that visit as a one-night stand.

Don't know the other guy, but I'm sure a factor in this 'relationship' is she was w/ Paul for 7+ years. She knew all his nuances.  Now here's a new guy... She probably doesn't know how to socialize (i.e. compromise...listen...sympathize - let's call it relationship characteristics) with other men regarding being in a relationship. She needs to date a few times (w/o fucking the dude) to get accustomed to to the dating scene.  Don't think she did that.  Now, she's hot & cold with this boy-toy.   It will not end well.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
48 minutes ago, Howard said:

Some relationships are toxic w/o those involved knowing it. She either truly wants it to work, or maybe he/she are too controlling for the other person,...  What I'm sure of is a 'new' relationship isn't/doesn't become meaningful if you see the person 1x/week and treat that visit as a one-night stand.

Don't know the other guy, but I'm sure a factor in this 'relationship' is she was w/ Paul for 7+ years. She knew all his nuances.  Now here's a new guy... She probably doesn't know how to socialize (i.e. compromise...listen...sympathize - let's call it relationship characteristics) with other men regarding being in a relationship. She needs to date a few times (w/o fucking the dude) to get accustomed to to the dating scene.  Don't think she did that.  Now, she's hot & cold with this boy-toy.   It will not end well.

You do make some good points. Seeing him part time could be a factor yes, but this is what she wants, casual. And she's happy simply to treat him as a friend, just go for walks and talks sometimes. So to then be yelling at him so often throws the spanner in the works. And she did kind of jump into dating quite quickly, about a month and that was it from then on. As i say, i just can't fathom what she is wanting from it all. How does she herself view it. If casual, why get so angry at him, why try to change so much? If actual 'Boyfriend', why so part time, even when he is asking to see her and she stops at home instead. It's neither one or the other, yet is both too. It really is cake and eat it.

But - It began late last May. It's now early February. So it seems to be working. Weird eh? Loved up one day, shouting the next. But they're still together. I just don't get why she has and still puts herself through all the anger and heartache, for what is meant to be such a stress free situation. 

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1 minute ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

You do make some good points. Seeing him part time could be a factor yes, but this is what she wants, casual. And she's happy simply to treat him as a friend, just go for walks and talks sometimes. So to then be yelling at him so often throws the spanner in the works. And she did kind of jump into dating quite quickly, about a month and that was it from then on. As i say, i just can't fathom what she is wanting from it all. If casual, why get so angry at him, why try to change so much? If actual 'Boyfriend', why so part time, even when he is asking to see her and she stops at home instead. It's neither one or the other, yet is both too. It really is cake and eat it.

But - It began in late last May. It's now early February. So it seems to be working. Weird eh?

it's just my opinion but I think she keeps him around because he serves a purpose, but she does not respect him. He allows her to walk all over him and treat him like shit and he keeps coming back for more. I can't see a real man of her age putting up with what she dishes out. I Know Paul would not put up with that kind of behavior from her and I think she respected Paul for standing up for himself, unlike the guy she is seeing now. Until this guy can man up and stand up for himself and to stand up to her nothing will change.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
1 hour ago, jetlag8 said:

it's just my opinion but I think she keeps him around because he serves a purpose, but she does not respect him. He allows her to walk all over him and treat him like shit and he keeps coming back for more. I can't see a real man of her age putting up with what she dishes out. I Know Paul would not put up with that kind of behavior from her and I think she respected Paul for standing up for himself, unlike the guy she is seeing now. Until this guy can man up and stand up for himself and to stand up to her nothing will change.

I agree, what you say is right for me, however.....She runs back to him too. He means 'Something' to her. But what, and how much? And yet, still very part time in actually seeing him, especially at night. Take today, as i started off with. She called him, and before he even answered, was smiling. Then he answered, and she got all giddy. Like she has been on the phone with him the last few weeks. Just hours later tonight, yelling at him - Again. We've seen it dozens of times, month after month after month. So at what point does it reach 'it's too much, this should not be this way all the time'? It has to, surely. It ain't healthy for either. She was never like this with Paul, because she didn't have to be. But here, i've had my head in my hands, literally, seeing how bad she's been sometimes. Genuinely upset for her. But baffled at the same time, saying to myself 'Why is she doing this?'. I said to you half-jokingly not long ago, they will have an argument while celebrating their 1st anniversary in early June - I'm no longer joking. Did i want to talk about this again? No of course not. It ain't idle gossip to me, this is real. But i wasn't expecting her to go mad at him out of nowhere again, and it became today's talking point. Right in front of us, (very) loud and clear.

And all this is without the other ongoing factors etc. 

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Il y a 2 heures, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Je suis d’accord, ce que tu dis est juste pour moi, cependant ..... Elle revient vers lui aussi. Il veut dire'quelque a choisi un choisi'àelle. Mais quoi et combien? Et pourtant, toujours à temps partiel pour le voir, surtout la nuit. Prenez aujourd’hui, comme j’ai commencé. Elle l’a appelé, et avant même qu’il ne réponde, elle souriait. Puis il a répondu, et elle a eu le vertige. Comme si elle est au téléphone avec lui ces dernières semaines. Quelques heures plus tard ce soir, en lui criant dessus - Encore une fois. Nous l’avons vu des dizaines de fois, mois après mois après mois. Alors à quel point atteint-il 'c’est trop, ça ne devrait pas être comme ça tout le temps'? Il le faut, sûrement. Ce n’est pas sain non plus. Elle n’a jamais été comme ça avec Paul , parce qu’elle n’a pas à l’être. Mais ici, j’ai eu la tête entre mes mains, littéralement, en voyant à quel point elle est parfois mal. Vraiment bouleversé pour elle. Mais déconcerté en même temps, en me disant « Pourquoi fait-elle ça ? ». Je vous ai dit à moitié en plaisantant il n’y a pas longtemps, ils vont se disputer en ceer anniversaire début juin - je ne plaisante plus. Voulais-je en parler rappel ? Non bien sûr que non. Ce ne sont pas de vains potins pour moi, c’est réel. Mais je ne m’attendais pas à ce qu’elle devienne à nouveau fâchée contre lui de nulle part, et c’est devenu le sujet de discussion d’aujourd’hui. Juste en face de nous, (très) fort et clair.

Et tout cela sans les autres facteurs en cours, etc.

Bonjour Je viens lire vos commentaires intéressant je remarque que léora à eu loverboy au téléphone et elle lui crié dessus ça devait arriver il commecait à prendre de place aujourd’hui hui dimanche peut être de reconciliation à suivre

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
19 minutes ago, patou said:

Hello I just read your interesting comments I notice that leora had loverboy on the phone and she yelled at him it was supposed to happen he was like to take up place today Sunday maybe reconciliation to follow

She was talking with Malia about him, and she then called and yelled, only a short call, but there has been no communication since. It will all depend on his explanation and if she accepts it. She will. 🙄

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il y a 5 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Elle et Malia parlaient de lui, puis elle a appelé et crié, seulement un court appel, mais il n’y a eu aucune communication depuis. Tout dépendra de son explication et si elle l’accepte. S (fr) il le fera. 🙄

Malia lui peut être dit de le quitter il devient trop envahissant je vais suivre son comportement aujourd’hui et voir si elle le rappel ou lui ?????

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il y a 10 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Elle et Malia parlaient de lui, puis elle a appelé et crié, seulement un court appel, mais il n’y a eu aucune communication depuis. Tout dépendra de son explication et si elle l’accepte. S (fr) il le fera. 🙄

Ou peut être malia quand elle est dehors elle lui à dit quelle l avait vus avec une autre fille ces pour ca qu’elle la appelé une supposition comme une autre ???

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
41 minutes ago, patou said:

Or maybe malia when she's out she told her what had seen her with another girl these for that she called it a guess like another ???

No, you misunderstand. Leora was talking TO Malia about him, nothing to do with Malia at all. It was only Leora saying anything. That must be made clear.

Please don't come up with scenarios, it doesn't help people simply reporting things on cam. See? This will get me shit thrown again. And i've done fuck all wrong.

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il y a 9 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Non, vous vous méprenez. Leora parlait de lui à Malia, rien à voir du tout avec Malia. C'était seulement Leora qui disait quoi que ce soit. Cela doit être clair.

Veuillez ne pas proposer de scénarios, cela n'aide pas les gens à simplement signaler des choses sur la caméra. Voir? Cela me fait encore chier. Et j'ai tout faux.

Ok je n'avais pas compris je m'excuse et je suis désolé

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