woodworker Posted October 4, 2014 Posted October 4, 2014 Tom Bosman was a part of my gang. And for a short time he was working at this pony ride thing there at Rouge Park. I went to visit him there one day, and he pulled out a whiskey bottle from between the hay and half way through the bottle he then took a pitch fork and said, "Watch this", as he then threw it and tried to hit the wooden part of the mommy horse's stall but hit the mommy horse in the ass instead. Nothing serious, but she started to kick and make a fuss, which set off a chain reaction with all the other ponies there. At least forty of them that I could see. I was on the ground laughing so hard tears came out of my eyes. Well the boss man heard the ruckus and quickly fired Tom. That was the second job that I had inadvertently cost Tom, just by showing up. Anyway, the next night some of the guys and myself set all the little ponies free. People would wake up and find them in their back yards. They had posters nailed on all the telephone poles, asking people to please contact them and return their ponies to them. So I guess you could call this post "Wild Ponies" just as easily. That was a funny night,.. I remember slapping this one little pony on the rump saying "Your free now,.. go on, run like the wind."
woodworker Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WQAl5nJWHs There you go Karen and Ozi.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 I'd like to dedicate this to all the lovely "female" avatars who contribute to CamCaps. We sure miss Tay.. ;D. ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixqbc7X2NQY
woodworker Posted October 10, 2014 Posted October 10, 2014 I have one last thing to say. And it's really nothing new, except when you hear such serene and beautiful music such as this, it's hard to imagine that there should be a sect of people known as the Muslims who want to destroy all that is good and worth holding onto in this world. Things of which in art, and in poetry, or in music, or in architecture, or in science, that has lifted mankind up from the rather bleak, and brutal dictates that these insect like creatures do subscribe to. But they have shown that they serve the Devil instead, and cling to this desolate existence that has nothing in any way to do with God or with that of enlightenment. And yet what bothers me even more is that we now have many empty headed kids in college that are so void of any sense of history, that they now believe, thanks to their liberal professors, that America is the greater threat to mankind than these Muslims are. People, who as Karen has said, majored in feelings, and that only parrot what they hear without even thinking. Kids, who with their obnoxious selfies, which is embedded within this childlike selfishness of theirs, and who then stand there before the cameras with this vacant stare and belch out this rubbish, only reveals to me that they have a lack of gratitude for the many who have given their lives in the past just so that they could remain free from what is real tyranny. It's a hard thing for people of my generation to have to look upon or watch. And frankly it makes me want to slap their face. If I had a son or daughter, I can promise you they would have paid a visit there to Arlington cemetery. They would learn from me, what these courageous 'young men' have done for them. So long my friends,.. I truly do appreciate you.
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