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She left?...

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Guest Squirrel

sorry, but i do not understand what you said, StnCld316. Did Leora go out rlc ?

StnCld316 is merely stating that RLC couples come and go, and they usually go when they break up. And probably also when a new baby shows up in their lives.

RLC wants couples; not singles -- and no kids.

Therefore, I'm suggesting that Paul should leave to a job with Google Maps, that Leora stays, and that Meerkat moves in with her when Lora & Max leave RLC.

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Guest Squirrel


tx squirrel

Hang around long enough, and you'll understand why Meerkat (that's what we call Lora & Max's cat) is so damn cool.

And welcome to the zoo--er, ah, I mean -- CC.

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