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US General Domestic Politics #15 Begins 05/09/21.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Which is more proof that the 74+million people who voted for Trump are not Neo-Nazi White supremacists like you claim they are.:cool:

enabling the qtrumplican fascist white supremacist movement is the same. but a brainless idiot such as yourself is too stupid to realize that.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You mean the committee that the authoritarian Stalinist Democrats voted her off of because they are just like you and cannot tolerate anyone who does not think the way they do.:dodgy:

she is almost as dopey as you are. almost!

giphy (88).gif

giphy - 2021-04-28T035959.958.gif

tenor - 2021-05-03T110510.024.gif

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If the FBI investigation is confidential how could anyone outside the FBI know what is being investigated?:huh:

because he bragged about his "conquests" & was seen by others not in the fbi. if you paid attention to reality instead of qtrumplican lies & fantasy you might actually learn something. but we all know by now that you will continue to live in trump's ass fantasyland.

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8 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:



Mattel is launching a toy takeback program allowing families to send in old toys like...

It's time for 0_U812 and golfer06 to recycle their Barbie collection 

as soon as your potatoheads are recycled & penises are added you'll be 1st in line for them.

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6 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Calls to cancel pandemic-era unemployment benefits intensified this week as worries...

It's about time the demon 😈crats start working & stop living off the American taxpayers 

says the qtrumplican leech that spends all day & night making love to remington & colt.

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6 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

"Migrant children held in mass shelters with little oversight"


The Biden administration is holding tens of thousands of asylum-seeking children in an...


instead of dear traitor's policy of separating them from families & losing track of them. how horrible!

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