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US General Domestic Politics #16 Begins 05/14/21.

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14 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Scientists reveal some types of mammals, such as pigs and rodents, can breathe through...

Everyday i learn more about 0_U812 and golfer06  !!! I wonder if 0_U812 chokes when golfer06 coats his intestines or if his butt stop breathing  🤔

it's no wonder that you continue to learn nothing. but if it helps your orgasm with your gun friends then go for it.

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13 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

You can get a quick estimate of how much money you can receive each month -- and see...

Finally 0_U812 and golfer06 mommy will get the American taxpayers to give her money 💰 for the parasite kids who live in mommy's basement 

if it was based on mental age you would get the largest credit for yourself.

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11 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

We need to open businesses, there's too many Americans suffering, there has always been diseases & we can't closed down the economy. Before 0_U812 was born there was a disease call Anal Injected Death Syrup also known as "AIDS" . LUCKY 0_U812 wasn't around cause he would've spread it like wildfire 😁


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11 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Another story based upon another "unnamed source familiar with the investigation."  With unnamed sources there is no way to question the story because you don't know who to question.  Very convenient strategy for spreading propaganda and fantasies.

keep telling yourself that.

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