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US General Domestic Politics #16 Begins 05/14/21.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Per an article from THE HILL posted on MSN a new Ipsos poll shows 48% of U.S. adults believe the country is on the wrong track, while 37% believe the country is on the right track. The news media will need to work even harder to protect "Sleepy Joe" and to keep his poll numbers from tanking.

So what?  Biden's approval nears 60% and the generic congressional polls favor democrats by between 5-20 % points.  No "direction of the country" poll is ever good for ANY president.  Open your eyes to the whole picture and while you're at it, dry the toilet water off your nut sack.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

But AOC was the one doing all the crying as the little Marxist snowflake tattletale ran to mommy Pelosi and the news media to complain about the big bad Marjorie Greene.:dodgy:

And you cry on here every fucking day.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Anybody who believes the Jan.6 protest was a real attempt to overthrow the government is a complete and total idiot.

You, Saggy Nutz, are a complete and total idiot.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You need to send a PM to O_U812. He forgot to give you a "like" for this comment. He's not keeping his end of the bargain with you. The "likes" you two post for each other are almost as phony as your comments.:biggrin:

You're worried about "Likes"?  You need to worry more about keeping your nutz out of shitty toilet water.  I suggest toilet-seat padding.  You'll need about 10 layers.

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47 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

You're way out of your league Nikolai.  Beat it.    


46 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

It's PSYCHO you Trump-loving pile of orange shit.

     🖕The only piece of 💩 is you, you psychotic fucked up in the head excuse of humanity who still relys on his mommy and daddy for a place to live and to probably still support your ass as well.

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