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US General Domestic Politics #16 Begins 05/14/21.

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44 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

So what?  Biden's approval nears 60% and the generic congressional polls favor democrats by between 5-20 % points.  No "direction of the country" poll is ever good for ANY president.  Open your eyes to the whole picture and while you're at it, dry the toilet water off your nut sack.

    Another fucking lie of propaganda pushed by b.s. so called polls that were favored and tilted mostly way to the left you fucking moronic idiot ou812, and by the way, I bet it was one that got pulled out of your ass that you 8.

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10 minutes ago, Nicholas said:


     🖕The only piece of 💩 is you, you psychotic fucked up in the head excuse of humanity who still relys on his mommy and daddy for a place to live and to probably still support your ass as well.

so you actually are spying1?

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3 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

    Another fucking lie of propaganda pushed by b.s. so called polls that were favored and tilted mostly way to the left you fucking moronic idiot.

wait! you're actually ridge?

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14 minutes ago, Nicholas said:


     🖕The only piece of 💩 is you, you psychotic fucked up in the head excuse of humanity who still relys on his mommy and daddy for a place to live and to probably still support your ass as well.

Spying + Nickolai = Same MAGAt.

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8 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

    Another fucking lie of propaganda pushed by b.s. so called polls that were favored and tilted mostly way to the left you fucking moronic idiot ou812, and by the way, I bet it was one that got pulled out of your ass that you 8.

Your butt-buddy put the poll up.  I'm just taking him to school, as I do every day Nickolai.

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13 hours ago, golfer06 said:


if you want to hear what you want to hear whether it is the truth or not simply check out the dear traitor blog. it's nothing but lies & hate & totally useless but that apparently is what you want.

     The thing is, he longer is in that position. Matter of fact, he's not in any political office. But the one who now is, clearly does not have all faculties upstairs any longer. For anyone to have any kind obsession about anything or anyone that no longer is relevant to what decisions are made as to what occurs with other's lives somewhere else, is certainly not healthy by no means.

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Just now, Nicholas said:

     The thing is, he longer is in that position. Matter of fact, he not in any political office. But the one who now is, clearly does not have all faculties upstairs any longer. For anyone to have any kind obsession about anything or anyone that no longer is relevant to what decisions are made as to what occurs with other's lives somewhere else, is certainly not healthy by no means.

but dear traitor says that he won & a whole bunch of braindead idiots believe him. yet you criticize biden? go back under your rock where you don't have to deal with reality.

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3 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

Your butt-buddy put the poll up.  I'm just taking him to school, as I do every day Nickolai.

     You need to go back to school and actually learn something useful rather than attempting to be an activist.

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