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US General Domestic Politics #16 Begins 05/14/21.

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12 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     You need to go back to school and actually learn something useful rather than attempting to be an activist.

I'll pass on your advice Nicho-lie.  I'd rather stay here and destroy your bullshit.

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12 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     Braindead Biden had it given to him because of a manipulated bug that was released upon humanity which in turn caused election and voting rules and regulations to be also manipulated and changed that were never that way previous to the arrival of the bug in the country. If it hadn't been, it is very unlikely that election and voting rules and regulations would have ever been manipulated and changed and the person so many of you all are still crazily obsessed about, would have more than likely won by a landslide. As mentioned previously, having too much of an obsession about anything or anyone for so long, is nothing more than unhealthy.

A Bug.   I suppose this kid sent it, right?  🤪


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10 hours ago, O_U812 said:

A Bug.   I suppose this kid sent it, right?  🤪


     Your obsession really is quite ridiculous and unbecoming of anyone to possess such unhealthy conditions...psycho. Guess that's what happens to some who've been pampered and coddled and put up with by their parents way more than ever should have, who allow them to continue living with them as well as supporting such laziness and forms of immoral worthlessness, well into what is supposed to be their adult years. Nothing more than spoiled assed uneducated moronic idiotic brats who become psycho's that become easily obsessed about anything. 😏

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1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

     Your obsession really is quite ridiculous and unbecoming of anyone to possess such unhealthy conditions...psycho. Guess that's what happens to some who've been pampered and coddled and put up with by their parents way more than ever should have, who allow them to continue living with them as well as supporting such laziness and forms immoral worthlessness, well into what is supposed to be their adult years. Nothing more than spoiled assed uneducated moronic idiotic brats who become psycho's that become easily obsessed about anything. 😏


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Heads are gonna roll!  😅


Speaking on MSNBC this Monday regarding the recent news that Joel Greenberg, a close confidant of Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, has pled guilty to six federal charges, ex-federal...


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A woman's freedom to choose is about to get trampled on.  This is only the beginning if RW has their way.


The U.S. Supreme Court Monday morning announced it will take up a Mississippi case that bans abortion after 15 weeks. Legal experts say with a 6-3 conservative majority, and after years of...


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But it was just tourists Mr. Asshole.


Far-right Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia has been drawing a great deal of scathing criticism for his recent comments comparing the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol Building to a "normal...


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