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US General Domestic Politics #17 Begins 05/21/21.

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It's kind of strange that they also "invented" nearly 600,000 deaths.  This guy should be languishing in prison as a traitor to our country.


The former Trump advisor falsely stated Friday that the coronavirus pandemic was invented before November 3 "to gain control" of society.


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Gerrymandering is the ONLY reason GQPers win state chambers, and a big reason why they keep the House & Senate close.  Before gerrymandering, Democrat's dominated every election.  Re-draw the districts 50-50.


For the last two elections, Democrats regarded Brian Fitzpatrick as one of the U.S. Congress's most vulnerable Republicans, but both times they failed to unseat him, even when his suburban...


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The QTrumplican Authoritarian Fascist way.


Florida teenagers are embarrassed and angry after their school yearbook photos were altered to cover their chests and shoulders.Riley O'Keefe, a ninth-grader at Bartram Trail High...


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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Another childish attempt to deflect from the truth of my statement. No matter, the truth still stands that there are Congressional Democrats who support Hamas.

See above meme, rinse, repeat.

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