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US General Domestic Politics #17 Begins 05/21/21.

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17 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The high rates in April,2020 were a result of the covid pandemic, dumb fuck. There was no covid vaccine in April, 2020. When Biden came into office we had vaccines for covid.

which dear traitor ignored & lied about. fortunately he is gone & we are finally recovering.

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16 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I don't deny the jobs were lost, but I also know that they were lost because the covid pandemic from China shut down our economy.

which again dear traitor lied & did nothing about.

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And the Trump derangement syndrome continues among the liberal progressive social/Marxist Democrats. get out those straight jackets and ready the padded cells.😏

you'll be needing them along with you tissues when he is put away .

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14 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Another childish attempt to deflect from the truth of my statement. No matter, the truth still stands that there are Congressional Democrats who support Hamas.

wrong again. it's a statement of fact that you constantly reinforce.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

A cowardly piece of shit like you is not even fit to mention Michael Flynn's name. He risked his life numerous times in the military to protect your sorry spineless gutless ANTIFA  snowflake pussy ass.

and then threw away his reputation for a traitor cult. he's a piece of shit.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And it's a bigger shame that yours is the size of a golf ball and made of the same material as a golf ball.

here we go again. na na na na na. i know you are but what am i? your mother wears army boots! how was that?

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