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US General Domestic Politics #17 Begins 05/21/21.

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44 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

Who's next to be pointlessly massacred?

People in Uganda, probably. They use machetes to kill people over there. No registration required. It's just handy.

Me, if someone broke into my house in the dark of night to do me harm, I'd slip behind them and use my bread knife. It's just handy.

If you think I'd use my 12 gauge, you're out of your mind. I hate repairing drywall.

The deterrent that has helped me the most from burglary, home invasion, murder or rape in my house is that "I might have a gun, mo'fo."

Video surveillance is kinda cute too.

People who murder people are bad. They will use any means necessary to murder people. Murdering people is already illegal, but to some people the laws are irrelevant. They will use bombs, knives, missiles, arrows, scissors, poison or engineered biological weapons to kill people -- whatever is available. So relax. Bake your own bread. And keep your bread knife handy.





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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

i didn't think that you ever left florida since it is so wonderful. yet you made it all the way across country to play.   


Doubt it. Almost all government employees in California are Democrats.:dodgy:

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2 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Annnnnnnnd.....another 8 (at least) shot dead.  🤬

I saw a video of the gun running out of the building after shooting those people. Hope the police catch the gun and the courts prosecute it to the fullest extent of the law.

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I see Joe Biden invited the George Floyd family to the White House. Wonder why he didn't invite the family of Jaslyn Adams?  On April 19, 2021 seven year old Jaslyn Adams was shot and killed while sitting in her parents' vehicle in the drive thru lane of a McDonalds restaurant in Chicago by a drive-by shooter.  In my opinion the family of an innocent seven year old girl is more deserving of a visit to the White House than is the family of a convicted criminal ( George Floyd).  Oh yeah, Jaslyn Adams was also African-American just like George Floyd.:dodgy:

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2 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Check Chicago news, everyday there's black on black murders but the burn 🔥 loot and murder people don't care

Today? White on white.  Columbine?  White on White.  Sandy Hook? White on white.  Etc. Etc. Etc.  Racist scum you are.

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