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US General Domestic Politics #18 Begins 05/29/21.

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5 hours ago, O_U812 said:

I show my ID every single time I vote.  These new "Laws" are so QTrumplicans can change the results that they don't like.  Pure Fascism.  No different than Putin's Russia.  These laws, if allowed to stand, will result in violence and bloodshed all over our country.

Violence and bloodshed by who, ANTIFA and BLM thugs like you because you don't like the results of a fair and honest election? Are you and your ANTIFA buddies already planning the violence and bloodshed?:dodgy: 

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22 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And you worship the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democratic Party because you know it will bring down America just like you and Putin want, comrade Golfer..

Ridgerunner 0_U812 and golfer06 hate America 🇺🇸 cause they have to live in mommy's basement & they think communism will be better than mommy's basement 😉

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13 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And the ignorant brain dead blue is the color lives in the failing and disintegrating UK. The nation that socialists have destroyed. Thank God losers like you don't live in the U.S.

Ridgerunner why are there so many lovers of communists thur out the world 🌎 don't they know how many millions of people that have been murdered by the communists 

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6 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Well Miami Gardens isn't the best of neighborhoods, but you'll say that I'm a racist.

Since Golfer lives in Moscow he doesn't know much about the inner cities of the U.S.  I would like to dump his White Russian ass off on a street corner in North St. Louis, Mo. or East St.Louis, IL and allow him to walk around for a day. At the end of the day there is a good chance he would be lying dead in the street with a few bullets in his body.

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3 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Wow.  Really?  I never said that.  I said I personally have to show my ID every time I vote.  That's not the issue.  Making it harder to absentee vote, drop off a ballot in a drop box, give water to somebody standing in line and allowing the GQP state congresses taking over the count is all fascist shit.  If the democrat beats the QTrumplican by a million votes, it won't matter because the state senate will just change it to declare their own man/woman the winner.  It's a slow coup and it's fucking dangerous to democracy.  All because you and your buds buy into Trump's lies.

That was an excellent  description of the voting laws in Joe Biden's home state of Delaware.:biggrin:

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2 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Voter Suppression Laws, listed:  (as of March 2021).


State lawmakers continue to introduce new restrictive voting provisions, and voter suppressive bills have begun to advance and become law.


A more accurate description of the laws is that they are laws to suppress illegal voting and election cheating.:cool:

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