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US General Domestic Politics #18 Begins 05/29/21.

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Good for the Texas Democrats!


In a last ditch attempt to block a sweeping GOP voting bill, all Democrats walked off the House floor Sunday night, preventing a vote on the legislation before a fatal deadline.The Republican...


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I demand it!


Lt. Gen Michael Flynn proclaimed that he thinks there should be a military coup to replace President Joe Biden with Donald Trump in the White House. It's something that sent many to demand he be...


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Not too bright OathKeepers.


A new indictment issued by a grand jury expands the number of Oath Keepers accused of conspiring to disrupt the certification of the electoral vote in the presidential election from 12 to 16...


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Besides myself, Golfer, and 2 or 3 other sensible human beings, I've never seen a thread so full of poison.  The stupidity displayed by Ridge and his buds is astounding.  They lie, misinform, speculate without facts and pretend they're never wrong.  Luckily, the few of us sensible humans won't fall for it.

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38 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

Besides myself, Golfer, and 2 or 3 other sensible human beings, I've never seen a thread so full of poison.  The stupidity displayed by Ridge and his buds is astounding.  They lie, misinform, speculate without facts and pretend they're never wrong.  Luckily, the few of us sensible humans won't fall for it.

If Americans consider people like you sensible this country is finished.:dodgy:

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19 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Unfortunately for Joe he won't understand anything.  Also, bet the talks will be held in secret.

Why won't Joe understand, Saggy?  Dementia?  Alzheimer's?  Please enlighten us.

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