golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: You are a mentally disturbed wack job. Obviously you have been that way for quite awhile so the combination of the socialist/marxist/communist brainwashing along with your apparent mental disorder, has really fucked you up. Seriously, shithead. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: You have more than proven that it is you that are in serious need of psychological help. Although none would probably work with you so it would be best for any others that might ever have to be around you and society in general that you are placed where you belong, that being in an asylum, psycho. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, sr71gn said: None of these bills suppress peoples rights to vote I just hope they are all passed by 2022 election 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, sr71gn said: He and 75,000,000 other people a lot of mistakes. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: Here is something that will seldomly ever be admitted by a psycho such as the dumbass that said it. The truth for a fucking change. The truth that the psychotic propaganda promoting wack jobs that fall into any category of being no more than socialists/marxists/communists believe they must force anyone to believe in their bullshit ideologies and propaganda. you have just described the dear traitor cult philosophy. believe your hero's lies or you're out. what part don't you understand? 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: I can't believe someone can be so demented and mentally disturbed. Apparently the best part of you ran down whoever's leg fathered your worthless excuse of humanity. ignore, deny, project all that you want. it won't change the fact that you are a brainwashed cult member. but just keep ranting about the same old nothing if that makes you happy. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, sr71gn said: I would like to know why anyone wouldnt want only legitimate votes cast in an election --In practically all my years there was one voting day --If you didnt show up you didnt vote --I firmly agree with that with very few people getting exemptions --Why is it now poor babies who cant get their lazy butts to the voting booth on voting day can vote whenever and almost where ever they want in case you missed it we are now in the 21st century. progress keeps happening despite your & people like you trying to stop it. voting should be made easier not harder. a big part of the voter suppression laws that are being forced down everyone's throats include closing polling places. if you had read anything and/or paid attention to anything you would have noticed that. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: More bullshit from another favorite propaganda promoting outlet of g06. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: More bullshit from another of g06's favorite propaganda promoting outlets. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: More bullshit from another of g06's favorite propaganda promoting outlets. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: And yet even more bullshit from a favorite propaganda promoting outlet of g06's. ignoring reality won't change anything. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: And not surprising, more bullshit from another of g06's favorite propaganda promoting outlets. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: As usual, the psychotically deranged can't handle any of the factual truth. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: And yet more bullshit from another of g06's favorite propaganda promoting outlets. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: Not surprising of course, more bullshit from g06's favorite propaganda promoting outlet. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: Would anyone like to take a guess as to what this may be ? Alright, I realize that anyone with any shred of common sense knows that it is only more bullshit from g06's favorite propaganda promoting outlet. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: And here we have yet more bullshit from yet another propaganda promoting outlet from another who get's off on being a propaganda promoting wack job. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: Here you have more from yet another unhinged promoter of propaganda, the one and only, O_U812. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: What's so fucked up about it, is that it was you that posted it, you psychotic wack job. 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: Here is yet more bullshit from the propaganda promoting O_U812. i'll say it again: ignoring reality won't change anything. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 16 hours ago, Nicholas said: And yet again the propaganda promoting wack job known as O_U812 is reposting more of the same bullshit propaganda that he's previously posted. Some wack jobs never learn that their demented endeavors are useless towards anyone with any shred of common sense. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 14 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Because they are lured in by the Communist promise of utopia. Free everything for everybody, all you have to do is surrender your freedom to the government. there is no point to answering you at all as you post nothing but lies & nonsense. you are a complete idiot. 1
golfer06 Posted June 1, 2021 Posted June 1, 2021 13 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: You are the one who has supplied no proof of voter suppression in the new state laws. All you've provided are unfounded accusations and Democrat talking points. Show me the actual law that suppresses voters' rights. read. you refuse to read the proof that has been posted here over & over & over & over again. the proof that is right in front of you that you refuse to see. you are a complete waste. 1
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