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US General Domestic Politics #18 Begins 05/29/21.

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12 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    You haven't seen nor experienced me being angry over psycho wimps like you.


12 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    I wouldn't give you the slightest satisfaction of posting anything other than what you are and are all about wack job.


12 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    If it wasn't anything factual or truthful, it wouldn't hurt poor little pitifull you's feelings so much shithead. You marxist propaganda promoting asswipes can't handle any truth because it would blow up your causes for existence.


11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     No sense in giving any of you psycho wack jobs any sense of credibility by showing any proof to any of the categorically false and dishonest bullshit propaganda the likes of you promote, because it's all wrong shithead.


11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    That's you sitting somewhere acting like the mentally disturbed adolescent minded moron you apparently are having to rely on others for a place to live while your main concern for existence is to promote bullshit propaganda. 

it's truly amazing that you can continue to post nothing but insults while never, not even once posting anything that actually addresses a problem. 

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11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    Your brain and mind are what are obviously fucked up marxi boy. Those with like minded mindsets such as yours, are the definition of psychotic wack jobs shithead.

another insult without actually addressing anything. why am i not surprised?

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11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     Facts... what a fucking joke. Apparently you must believe that there are enough of other mentally disturbed idiots such as yourself that would believe anything that would come from the likes of you would be anything other than the dishonest bullshit propaganda you've been promoting and peddling here. 


11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    You are a pathetic excuse of humanity marxi boy.


11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    It was mentioned previously, it has been more than obvious that the best part of you evidently ran down a leg of whoever fathered your sorry and worthless excuse of humanity ass.


11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    I wouldn't give the likes of you any satisfaction whatsoever in there being any credibilty of any existence of any of your bullshit. You marxi boys are all the same. Retrieve and promote bullshit propaganda from elsewhere, or make up your own lies of bullshit and attempt to add to or make up more propaganda.


11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     I agree, and it is also unfortunate that apparently the better part of his offspring who goes by O_U812 here, apparently got wiped away and more than likely flushed away.

again nothing but insults. you take up half of the page & you haven't said even one thing that is relevant. 

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11 hours ago, sr71gn said:

BLM is a racist hate organization


11 hours ago, sr71gn said:

Obama showed what an asshole he was when his mike was left  on HAHAHA--Assholes and traitors should make sure their mikes are never left on

you have been doing a pretty good job of competing for the most ignorant qtrumplican moron. but the competition is getting tough with you, ridge, & nick today.

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11 hours ago, Nicholas said:

    I'm here to show exactly what you marxi boys are up to and that is nothing more than promotion of other's bullshit propaganda or making up dishonestly false propaganda like you marxi boys are so fond of doing, shithead.

how many posts today with absolutely nothing to offer? i've lost count.

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11 hours ago, sr71gn said:

you commo pinko wack jobs forgot who has all the guns in America --Now that it is out in the open how you stole the election you will never complete your take over --Your worst nightmare has woke up-The real American people will take back our country --Cant wait to see you on my street --There are more armed citizens in the US than any other country in the world and make no mistake about it you commo pinkos have been found out -- Double talk and propaganda like O_812 and Golfer have been spewing wont save these assholes now

you are a traitorous asshole.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I really don't pay much attention to the ranting and ravings of a child like you.  A little know it all who has almost no real life experiences upon which to draw knowledge from. 


8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Unfortunately for O_U812 he failed to follow Mark Twain's advice. Mark Twain said "do not let school interfere with your education."  It appears our public schools have dominated O_U812's education by brainwashing and indoctrinating him with a bunch left wing liberal progressive socialist/Marxist bullshit. He should have paid much more attention to his father and less attention to the ignorant instructors in his schools.  The only thing most public school teachers know anything about is school.


8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Stupidity and dishonesty are also bad, and you are walking talking proof of that.


8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

When someone tells you a truth you don't want to hear your first reaction is to attack the messenger. Sort of how Putin operates.


8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Not nearly as unhealthy as your Trump Derangement Syndrome.

you & nick are really fighting hard to see who can waste more space on these pages today. spying had better post more nonsense as he is dropping way behind you 2 idiots.

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Good to see you are finally beginning to see Joe's problem. Which one do you think it is?😏


8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Your God is government.:dodgy:


7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You just proved my point.


3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:


more attempts to post the most lies & nonsense.

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Kraken attorney Sidney Powell began her remarks to the QAnon-sponsored Patriot Roundup for God and Country in Dallas with a little housekeeping on behalf of her erstwhile client, retired Lt...


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