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US General Domestic Politics #18 Begins 05/29/21.

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24 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

    I have a solution alright. I'll be on the ballot in 24', and you psychotic wack jobs should only pray that someone else like your favorite President Trump wins, or that he wins re-election for that matter, because if I happen to shock the world and especially all of it's wacked out psycho's like you and your butt buddy comrade here, I will make sure the wacko's like you and he are covertly rounded up and put where you all belong, and that is in asylum's for the mentally disturbed, or removed from the country all together. Those that get determined that there is no hope of any mental rehabilitation or stabilization, will be removed from the country and by a tactic that you wack jobs hero obummer and his butt buddy the corrupt lyin biden used to transport milloins in cash out of the country to send to the country that despises and hates this country the most, that would be in the middle of the night on C130's you wack job.

Ahhh, The Putin way.  Jail your biggest threats.  BTW, it's "whack" "Lying" and "Millions" you useless tool.  You're running for office?  🤣

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Bullshit propaganda to you and your butt buddy might be promoted as politics to you shit for brains, but not anyone with any shred of since asswipe. 

again you continue to prove how ignorant & stupid that you are while contributing nothing. you are & apparently will always be a worthless piece of shit.

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1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

     It's all bullshit propaganda and dishonety from marxi boys like you shit for brains. You marxi boys don't like it when any of your shit is called out for what it is psycho.

again & again you prove to be a complete idiot. when will you realize that? oh that's right............never.

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6 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Bullshit propaganda to you and your butt buddy might be promoted as politics to you shit for brains, but not anyone with any shred of since asswipe. 

Can you repeat that in English ma'am?  WTF??  🤣😆

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Just now, golfer06 said:

again you continue to prove how ignorant & stupid that you are while contributing nothing. you are & apparently will always be a worthless piece of shit.

    You and your butt buddy are the worthless psychotic pieces of shit. So fucking sorry and worthless that you both showed how much you actually are over the 24 hours of Memorial Day yesterday you fucking worthless excuse of humanity piece of shit.

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2 minutes ago, O_U812 said:

Can you repeat that in English ma'am?  WTF??  🤣😆

    Get your propagandist comrade g06's dick out of your ass and mouth and you might be able to actually comprehend a little something dumbass.

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8 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

again & again you prove to be a complete idiot. when will you realize that? oh that's right............never.

This lady is a complete and utter moron.  It's funny reading her redneck comments.

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1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

    You and your butt buddy are the worthless psychotic pieces of shit. So fucking sorry and worthless that you both showed how much you actually are over the 24 hours of Memorial Day yesterday you fucking worthless excuse of humanity piece of shit.

keep hammering the nails into your own coffin as you continue to prove my point again & again & again & again...................................................

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

    You and your butt buddy are the worthless psychotic pieces of shit. So fucking sorry and worthless that you both showed how much you actually are over the 24 hours of Memorial Day yesterday you fucking worthless excuse of humanity piece of shit.

You have the cuss words down ma'am.  Very un-lady-like.

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1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

    Get the dick out of your ass and mouth and you might be able to actually comprehend a little something dumbass.

and again & again & again & again............................................

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1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

    Get the dick out of your ass and mouth and you might be able to actually comprehend a little something dumbass.

I don't comprehend 'Murican....redneck bitch.

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