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Guest Pirate

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Muslim gangs in Denmark. Enough said, I'm sure our resident expert on the Middle East, the UK, Germany, the UN Security Council and everything else in between will amaze us with his intimate knowledge of all things Denmark as well.

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I was shocked SHOCKED to learn that the workplace violence up in Ottawa was caused by a Mussy.

"But we don't want to draw any conclusions until there has been a full investigation," says the [u.S.] news media.  They want to wait and find out "why" this terrible thing was done.

I can tell them right now:


The end.

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Yeah, She's great isn't she.

You know, I can wax eloquent when I want to, but I know that if I had been on that panel when that Musk Rat first popped up.  I would have probably have just thrown something at her.  That can be a statement or a response of it's own at times.

Just reach down and grab something hard, maybe a hammer,.. I don't know,.. but something, and just throw it at them.    Swisssh,..  WHAM!    (And down she goes)

"There,.. Does any other Muslim pig have any questions for me?"

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I've seen her before.  She has written a book that frankly took a lot of guts, but the liberal media hasn't bothered to promote it's sale very well. 

As you might imagine, she has had numerous threats made against her, but she's a strong and courageous person with a lot of smarts. 

So yeah, I like her very much.

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