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Political correctness.

Guest Pirate

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whelp, here it is: another black guy shot by cops.

The difference is that most news stories don't mention the dead man's race, for obvious reasons. To save you time doing the research, I managed to find a picture of the poor dead man. Supposedly he was a "good man" with a kid, and his race, in this case, certainly couldn't have had anything to do with the incident.

It's the usual media double standard, of course.


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Whelp, here it is: another black guy shot by cops.

The difference is that most news stories don't mention the dead man's race, for obvious reasons. To save you time doing the research, I managed to find a picture of the poor dead man. Supposedly he was a "good man" with a kid, and his race, in this case, certainly couldn't have had anything to do with the incident.

It's the usual media double standard, of course.


We all know every time a black man gets shot and killed. The other blacks always play the race card without getting the facts. The way I read the article, the dude got what he deserved.  Good riddance to bad rubbish.  Now see if any riots happen over this.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yet again.


Another recipe for a riot.

Why do they do it?

Because they're stupid? Partly.

But mostly because they are politically correct.

What am I talking about?

The cop who shot the fleeing guy in the back five times, killing him.

So.... what causes a riot?  Easy.  Let me explain.

They charge the cop with first degree murder --

a killing driven not by anger or passion but by malice

aforethought and premeditation. 

So what, you ask?  He shot the dude in the fucking back, right? 


However, since there was a scuffle and a heated exchange,

they should have charged the asshole with manslaughter. 

Easy conviction.  Bye bye asshole cop.  But NO! 

They have to charge him with Murder One. 

They will not get a conviction on M1, my friends. 

And THAT will cause a riot.

Ta-dah!  Simple as that.  The P.C. world is eating itself and the rest of us alve.

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Back in the good old days you never heard such phrases as 'Political Correctness', that the media so often likes to banter around.  And even when some conservative might use that phrase, all while trying to point out the silliness of it all, it nonetheless gives credence or life to it's ridiculous existence.  It's like a bad rash that won't go away!

If you want to hit back at these devils, you have to learn not to play into their game.

For example:  The minute some liberal commentator mentions the phrase 'Political Correctness', just say instead for all the people listening, by that, don't you mean political contrivance?  And isn't that just a part of this 'Liberal Hypocrisy?'     

Put them on the defensive for once, instead of always just playing into their hands. 

The more one uses the phase 'Liberal Hypocrisy' the more it will begin to stick, and the more others who are fed up with this type of nonsense with the left, will begin to stop feeling guilty about seeing things for the way that they really are, or for them speaking the truth. 

Anyone with even half a brain, knows that this phrase, Political Correctness' is nothing other than a contrivance cooked up by some pencil neck elitist to stifle, or bully others into accepting this form of gag or cowardice in not being able to speak the truth about things anymore. 

There is nothing correct about something being political.  Being political means that it is there to serve an agenda, one way or the other.  It has nothing to do with common decency, or in being polite, though liberals are usually the rudest and most intolerant people on earth.

Invite a conservative to speak on a college campus, and just see how they behave towards them.

That again, is just another example of this liberal hypocrisy of theirs. 

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Some good points, Woody.

But what is paramount is this:  Whenever you hear liberal friends talking about elections, always remember to say, "It's stupid to vote! Never vote! Why, all the politicians are the same: they are all controlled by the banks, Wall St., and the oil companies, even if they say that they are against those things.  If you vote for any of them then you are part of the problem!"

Like sheep, they are inclined to buy that bullshit and stay home on election day.

Works every time.

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The funny thing is, probably every one of these imbeciles will be accepted into some college or other, just so long as their foolish parents are willing to throw a lot of money at them.  What a racket!

Now you know why conservative, or responsible parents, put their kids in private schools anymore.

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The funny thing is, probably every one of these imbeciles will be accepted into some college or other, just so long as their foolish parents are willing to throw a lot of money at them.  What a racket!

Now you know why conservative, or responsible parents, put their kids in private schools anymore.

I'm not surprised.

See, these folks all major(ed) in Feelings, with a minor in Fairness.

That's a good thing, you understand -- if you want to get a job at MSNBC .... or something.

:: eyeroll ::

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