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Moving out?

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They are not going anywhere. They were practicing their wedding "first dance" the other night while she was wearing her wedding dress hoop. A bit awkward seeing them practice. The hoop sticks out so far they struggled a little bit.

By the way they were trying to dance. I would say neither of them has much experience at it.
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They are not going anywhere. They were practicing their wedding "first dance" the other night while she was wearing her wedding dress hoop. A bit awkward seeing them practice. The hoop sticks out so far they struggled a little bit.

By the way they were trying to dance. I would say neither of them has much experience at it.

So true! So true! Sad to watch. They need a lot more practice.

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¿Estos tienen pensado regresar?. Llevan una semana sin aparecer y la gente sigue pagando lo mismo, o sea, por ver a 7 parejas, no a 6. (6 apartamento oficialmente, en realidad son 3. Por que Lora&Max y Nora&Kiko no los ve nadie y en Alma&Stefan, Alma anda siempre con el novio lejos del apartamento...)

¿Por que no avisa RLC cuando una pareja se va ausentar durante un tiempo para que los suscriptores lo tengamos en cuenta y no tiremos el dinero?. Por cada día que pasa, me voy dando mas cuenta que los señores de Realifecam.com les importa 3 pimientos sus suscriptores y lo que ocurra en sus apartamentos >:(

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Guest friedel

da kann mal sehen, was für idioten hier sind. Bezahlen für leere wohnungen und beschweren sich noch. vor allen Reishi_BigAss der schon lange dabei ist.

Beschwerden bei rlc bringt nichts die lachen euch nur aus hauptsache die kohle stimmt jede 30 tage bei denen. Bin schon lange dahinter gekommen das es betrug ist was die da treiben.

Geht ins internet da findet ihr sowieso alle filme , von allen paaren ich muß nicht leif dabei sein. Aber die meißten haben ja auch ihren schwengel in der hand und wichsen gleich los.

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Guest clivebb

what happened in this appartment?they are on vacation or what?

rlc give nothing information on the site if they are on vacation,it's not serious

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Guest Mortdisc

They just come home with their wedding gifts

How long before the Divorce?  Any Bets.

Divorce? Nah. He's more likely to kill her before then.

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