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A treat for you guys

Guest TAY

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This is CamCaps, not RLC. We never harass our women. We adore them and see that no maggots interfere with their CamCaps relationship. We wish we had more women coming forth.

Now, whether or not it is TAYlor in that vid, we may never know. However, she is a pretty girl and worthy of being on the screen for us to drool over.

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I keep posting a reply and it seems to disappear instead of being post.

Last thing about the video. Is it me or is it someone else who thinks she's so cute she has to upload a video of herself so everyone can see her.

I am not saying if she is me and I am not saying if she isn't. Because this is entertainment and why ruin all the fun.

There are several things that the video girl has that I have too.  She has no boobs and I have no boobs. (I think she's bigger than me too) She has a tiny mole on her right butt cheek. I have a tiny mole on my butt cheek but I will not tell you where it is. She has really long hair extensions so do I. My real hair only touches my shoulders, how long is her real hair. She's taking pictures of herself in the bathroom mirror and masturbating sitting on the sink. I have done that too. So have thousands of other.

Here we end  this silliness.

You will be able to see me someday if what I mention in closing happens. When it's ready you will see me for real and that will answer the question of who was that girl in the video.

BUT Until then:

If you want that girl in the video to be me, Tay, then that's who she is.

No one will ever meet me in person except maybe Agent Dog and Leora (when I break into her apartment and have the lesbian sex everyone watching RLC is craving for)

I am going to post again and tell why I am  here in the first place reading the posts and having a great time with you. There is something that I and another person are putting together. We pray we can get it all going within the next 6 months. I am an exhibitionist if you haven't figure that out. Most people who watch RLC are voyeurs. I need voyeurs. If you like watching RLC then you will really love what my partner and I are working on.

Love you guys, TAY

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Guest Squirrel

Agent Dog lived with Nora & Kiko. Agent Dog was apprehended by the FSB (Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации (ФСБ)) on orders from Putin himself. He's now living with and doing surveillance on his new master, Edward Snowden.

He reports to me that he's happy there because he gets to eat real meat instead of vegetable soup every fricken' day.

As for Leora's Dog, I'm sure it will love you to death along with all the animals here at CC.

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Damn. Imagine the wife she's going to make.  :o

She'll gouge your eyes out for just looking at another woman.

:p i dont like sharing my master in bed

Okay, scrap the bed. Let's use the floor. More room to roll around.  ;D

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Damn. Imagine the wife she's going to make.  :o

She'll gouge your eyes out for just looking at another woman.

:p i dont like sharing my master in bed

Okay, scrap the bed. Let's use the floor. More room to roll around.  ;D

>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

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