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US General Domestic Politics #25 Begins 07/14/21.

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30 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

You mean the same type democracy that is allowed under Sharia Law, Rep. Tlaib?

sharia law is not u.s. law. rep talib is a member of congress who took an oath to defend the constitution & u.s. law. try to stop showing what a racist bigot you are it's not an attractive trait.

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26 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Americans don't even know what is in the Texas law. They believe it suppresses voting because that is the lie they have been told by Democrats and the news media.

they know that it restricts voting accessibility. that is the ones that actually research such things. unlike you, spying1, & the cult who simply listen to a lying traitor & stupidly believe him. you are pitiful.

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1 hour ago, O_U812 said:

To Crack Down on 'Rich Tax Scofflaws,' Congressional Democrats are Urging Biden to Nominate Top Tax Prosecutor


But they are all big donors to Democrat political candidates, and Mark Zuckerberg is helping the Biden administration to censor the news on FaceBook.

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13 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

That's because Cuomo and his brother love those wimpy type Republicans like Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins. Cuomo can't handle Republicans who actually fight back against Democrats and dishonest news reporters like Chris Cuomo.

ronjon is a lying sack of shit. every time you make excuses for these idiots it makes you look even more stupid than you already do even thought you have reached a point of stupidity so low that very few have reached it before. yet you still get worse & worse.

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