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US General Domestic Politics #29 Begins 08/13/21.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

It appears Gen.Milley should have spent more time teaching Afghan soldiers how to fight and less time teaching U.S. soldiers how to be "woke". :dodgy:

The Afghan soldiers laid down their arms asshole.  And a reminder that Milley was a Trump boy.

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

A Missouri lawmaker indicted earlier this year for allegedly selling fake stem-cell treatments and fraudulently using federal pandemic relief funds has had her trial pushed back until June 2022.That means state...


I'm sure she won't miss a meal though.

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

I know it didn't--This question was asked of OU_812 as he did click the funny face in response to your comment.

So what?  Who gives a fuck what I clicked?  What makes you the thread boss?

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5 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Everyone that's not paying their rent, should be put out in the streets why should the American taxpayers have to support welfare recipients and they keep reproducing like fucking rats 🐀 

Yet they all have more class than you....by a longshot.

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

A "Trump Republican" county commissioner in Florida who has been staunchly opposed to COVID-19 safety precautions is now hospitalized with severe symptoms after testing positive for the virus. Manatee...


No sympathy.

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3 hours ago, O_U812 said:

So what?  Who gives a fuck what I clicked?  What makes you the thread boss?

I don't give  shit what you click---Again I ask you what you thought was funny about golfers response   " how did that work out" to my statement At least we served!!!   Did you???????????????? ?????  you clicked a haha face to his response.


On 8/15/2021 at 9:43 AM, happyone said:

At least we served!!!   Did you????????????????


On 8/15/2021 at 10:29 AM, golfer06 said:

how did that work out?                                                       OU_812 clicked a haha face response to this



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12 hours ago, O_U812 said:


Naturally you post shit like this without reading the article from whence it came


6 questions to guide your conversations.


Accusations of bad faith or hypocrisy kill emotionally and intellectually honest conversations in an instant. 

It’s impossible to count the number of chest-thumping, holier-than-thou “hot” takes from the past week. We’re all guilty of them, because we all want to believe that we’re well-intentioned enough to be right. Comments like these are killing productive dialogue with blind smugness across the nation. Yet these feelings are really real. 

“Make no mistake—a state that criminalizes abortion but ranks 50th in public education doesn’t give a shit about children.”

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