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US General Domestic Politics #29 Begins 08/13/21.

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10 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Happy is a stat man, nothing more.  And he chooses his stats to fit his own agenda.  He's no different then any of the others, IMO.

Seems like golfer06 likes this comment---But if you don't like my stats and the articles that contradict, question, and disprove your posts and others, then respond with a proper substantiated argument---not name calling, intimidation, cartoons, etc.

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10 hours ago, golfer06 said:

by being taught actual history & facts makes you a liberal? so being taught lies makes you a conservative?

You know that how "actual history and facts" are skewed in a learning environment-

Liberally skewed teaching produce liberal leaning students.---That is definitely the outcome from our Colleges and Universities because of the preponderance of liberal professors over conservative ones.

Likewise, Conservative skewed teaching would produce conservative leaning students. However, not many conservative teachers or professors are found in out public education system in the USA.

I do not rule out the fact that school does not always prevail, as children are politically influenced by their parents and peer groups

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7 hours ago, golfer06 said:

A "Trump Republican" county commissioner in Florida who has been staunchly opposed to COVID-19 safety precautions is now hospitalized with severe symptoms after testing positive for the virus. Manatee...

Manatee County Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge, who was taken to a local hospital by ambulance on Saturday, has since been stabilized but continues to have difficulty breathing, according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.

Van Ostenbridge had received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in June, according to reports. 

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3 minutes ago, happyone said:

Manatee County Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge, who was taken to a local hospital by ambulance on Saturday, has since been stabilized but continues to have difficulty breathing, according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.

Van Ostenbridge had received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in June, according to reports. 

Yet he preached anti-vax and anti-mask to win political points.  NO SYMPATHY.

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7 hours ago, golfer06 said:

In a column for MSNBC, Loyola Law School, professor Jessica Levinson surveyed the aftermath of a ruling in the Dominion Voting Systems defamation proceedings made by Federal Judge Carl Nichols and...

At least Trump did nominate Judges as he claimed that would follow the rule of law

"That the opinion, concerning whether some of Trump's biggest public supporters can be sued for defamation, was written by a Trump appointee is hugely important. It shows us that many of the federal judges elevated in the last four years are not in fact just political actors in robes. Instead, they are jurists whose job it is to apply the facts of each case to the law and make a determination, regardless of whether or not it is bad for the person who appointed them to their venerated position," she wrote before predicting, 

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

I don't give  shit what you click---Again I ask you what you thought was funny about golfers response   " how did that work out" to my statement At least we served!!!   Did you???????????????? ?????  you clicked a haha face to his response.





You're suspiciously obsessing.  Ridge?

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43 minutes ago, happyone said:

Naturally you post shit like this without reading the article from whence it came


6 questions to guide your conversations.


Accusations of bad faith or hypocrisy kill emotionally and intellectually honest conversations in an instant. 

It’s impossible to count the number of chest-thumping, holier-than-thou “hot” takes from the past week. We’re all guilty of them, because we all want to believe that we’re well-intentioned enough to be right. Comments like these are killing productive dialogue with blind smugness across the nation. Yet these feelings are really real. 

“Make no mistake—a state that criminalizes abortion but ranks 50th in public education doesn’t give a shit about children.”

You're missing something - I don't give a fuck what you think.  

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32 minutes ago, happyone said:

Seems like golfer06 likes this comment---But if you don't like my stats and the articles that contradict, question, and disprove your posts and others, then respond with a proper substantiated argument---not name calling, intimidation, cartoons, etc.

I see thru you like I saw thru Trump.  Now fuck off.  

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7 hours ago, golfer06 said:

The Taliban will be denied access to any Afghan reserves held in US accounts, a US administration official told AFP on Monday.As US forces were evacuating Afghanistan's capital after the Taliban's swift...

So what is the point of this article--other than try to mislead with the headline.

The Taliban will be denied access to any Afghan reserves held in US accounts, a US administration official told AFP on Monday. Any Central Bank assets the Afghan government have in the United States will not be made available to the Taliban." But most of those funds are held outside of Afghanistan, according to a person familiar with the matter. It was not immediately clear what share of the assets are held in the United States.

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5 hours ago, O_U812 said:

The Afghan soldiers laid down their arms asshole.  And a reminder that Milley was a Trump boy.

General Milley maybe was nominated by Trump to be the  chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but he like many of the judges nominated by Trump were and are not Trump puppets.  So Trump made some good nominations.

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