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US General Domestic Politics #31 Begins 08/27/21.

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31 minutes ago, jugghead said:

The Middle east is a total shithole and the rest of the world owns it. We should have evacuated that place immediately afer WW2. But we got cocky like we could help them.


Sorry, ich möchte das etwas differenzierter sehen. Bis etwa 1945 lebten die Menschen in "Koexistenz" friedlich zusammen, Menschen aller Religionen  und ethnischer Herkunft als Nachbarn, Araber, Juden, Christen, Muslime ...  Bis GB seine Kolonien preisgab und willkürlich Grenzziehungen durchführte die mit gewachsenen Stämmen nichts zu tun hatten. Kurden wurden Verlierer und Kuwait vom Zweistromland willkürlich wegen Ölinteressen abzutrennen war die erste Zündschnür am Pulverfaß.

Das noch viel schlimmere Ereignis war die Durchführung des alten Plans des Zionismus, einen eigenen jüdischen Staat zu gründen. Nach WK2 waren viele Menschen auf der Flucht, auch Juden, und da sahen einige die gute Gelegenheit als gekommen nun diesen Zionismus-Plan umzusetzen. Massenweise zogen nun Juden aus aller Welt nach Palästina und entrechteten nichtjüdische Palästinenser und vertrieben sie aus ihrer Heimat und proklamierten letztlich einseitig an der UNO vorbei den Staat "Israel". Das war letztlich die dickste Zündschnur die gelegt werden konnte. Die friedliche Koexistenz wurde durch Vertreibung und Israel-Staatsgründung mutwillig und rücksichtslos zerstört. Seitdem kommt der "Nahe Osten" nicht mehr zur Ruhe.

Seitdem mehrere Angriffskriege von England und den USA hochgerüstetem Israels auf Nachbarländer mit viel Leid und Toten. Eine Lösung für die vertriebenen Palästinenser ohne jede Entschädigung ist nicht in Sicht und alle Länder hoffnungslos zerstritten. Und die USA haben mit dem unbedingten Schutz Israels, auch nach Schurkenstücken Israels (etwa der Bombardierung des fast fertigen zivilen Kernreaktor im Irak), durch Veto in der UNO nicht mit Ruhm bekleckert. Folge war der 11.09.in NY .Die Spirale der Gewalt geht immer weiter.

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4 hours ago, jugghead said:

Motherfucker got the job done. Think about it. When we win wars or it is a stalemate, it's easy right? We just move on out. This shit was always going to be messy. It was never going to be winnable. Never. When you are the loser it is fucking messy as hell. We just suck as a nation. We are all to blame for this fiasco.

Got the job done? Biden's incompetence got 13 service people needlessly killed. If we suck as a nation it's because of people like the Democrats and you.

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4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Got the job done? Biden's incompetence got 13 service people needlessly killed. If we suck as a nation it's because of people like the Democrats and you.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week wrote to the Biden administration, asking it to stop...


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6 hours ago, Nicholas said:

       Oh really ? Well la ti da. I believe I already was aware of that and therefore knew that. Let me make you aware of something that you obviously were not aware of or have not been. Once upon a time, I actually registered to vote and voted as a democrat like my father before me. But, it did not take me long to notice which side of the so called political isle was quite a bit more dishonest and corrupt. Afterwards, I voted no particular way throughout many elections but instead rather stood by as a bystander and observed what was going on and taking place as far as political affiliation may go. After so long of observation as well as doing some research in political histories of the country, I realized which side of the so called political isle in this country is more corrupt and dishonest. As of right now I can see which are the more corrupt and dishonest and since there are only two main political party affiliations in the country, I have always leaned towards the one that has been lesser of the two and that damn sure hasn't seemed to be any democrats. As far as I'm concerned, they are a hell of alot more dishonest and corrupt than either the republicans or the independents and had my father still been around he would probably think the same thing and regretted ever being affiliated with such a dishonest and corrupt political affiliation. As a matter of fact, if he knew that they have turned out to be as bad as they apparently are, he would probably roll over in his grave and turn his back to being made aware of such.

Almost all my relatives were or are still working class Democrats. I grew up believing the big lie that Democrats were for working people and the poor, and that Republicans only cared about rich people. I even voted for Jimmy Carter and hated Ronald Reagan until I learned of all the lies that the news media had told about Reagan. I quit supporting Democrats for the same reason that Ronald Reagan stop being a Democrat. Reagan said 'he did not leave the  Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left him'. That is exactly how I feel.

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4 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

It was one of Trumps campaign promises to bring the troops home so he had to make some good of it before elections to try and keep some votes, but since he failed on some other things it cost him re-election.  I'm no fan of Biden either, he should be home playing with the grandkids while he's still able.  

As far as the Afghan War that should have been taken care of long ago. World Wars 1 & 2 combined never took 20 years and weaponry in those days was not as advanced at what one has today.   They could have carpet bombed the whole Middle East in a year or less.

Afghanistan will never be a peaceful place until the Afghan people want it to be peaceful. The good people of Afghanistan need to unite to vanquish the Taliban and other Islamic terrorists. No outside power can ever accomplish that. The only way to deal with Islamic extremists is to fight them the same way they fight. There should be no such thing as an Islamic extremist prisoner of war. Once captured any Islamic extremist should executed on the spot. Any people who intentionally bomb schools and hospitals full of people are mad animals and deserve to treated as mad animals. 

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4 hours ago, jugghead said:

Trump needed to go and I would have voted for Smith if he was the other choice. Sorry. That dude pissed off too many people. Me included. At least Smith gets to have sex with Kitty. Trump probably can't even get it up anymore.


You probably can't either.

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4 hours ago, jugghead said:

The Middle east is a total shithole and the rest of the world owns it. We should have evacuated that place immediately afer WW2. But we got cocky like we could help them.

One reason the Mideast was not abandoned after WW2, OIL.

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3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Everything was fake to Trump if it did not favor him. 

We'll see what happens over the next 3 days.  Do they make the Aug 31st deadline or not.  I would say just get your own citizens out and if there's time to take some Afghan Refugees then do it then.  If not they're used to this kind of stuff as they grew up through life with the culture. One can't do stuff at the 11th hour and expect to save them.

No way can they possibly get all Americans out by 8/31 let alone the thousands of Afghan allies that the Taliban will hunt down and kill if they are not evacuated. Right now the gates of the airport are closed because of the threat of a terrorist attack. 

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4 hours ago, happyone said:


In this instance, Nicolas must be the little ass. And since his post was aimed at you--then you must be the big ass. 😏


Sorry, logisches denken war noch nie Deine Stärke. Immer mehr scheinen als sein.. Wer schreibt die Zeile, die ich kommentiere ? Nur das ist wichtig. Traumtänzer.

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