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US General Domestic Politics #31 Begins 08/27/21.

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13 hours ago, Nicholas said:

      It has been more than obvious that you are nothing more than a fucking worthless communist indoctrinated propagandist kraut.

more hate filled insults & nothing constructive at all. what a surprise.

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13 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Let me enlighten 0_U812, golfer06, and all the other liberal socialist communists people. The landlords like myself have to drop 20% down on rental homes & commercial properties (on commercial properties the mortgage must be paid in 15 years) so when a scumbag lowlife disgrace of the human race doesn't pay the rent, the landlords have to pay the bank or risk foreclosure, why should the hard working Republicans who gave up blood, sweat, and tears 😢 investing their money 💰 🤑 💸 buying & remodeling the property so sub humans Neanderthal liberal socialist communists people can live in a property that they aren't paying & if the bank foreclosures the bank can't evict those pieces of shit.

maybe because if the tenants get some help they can pay YOU. and if they all get kicked out & nobody has any money who is going to rent YOUR apartment? then YOU won't be able to pay YOUR mortgage. then the bank will foreclose on YOU! then YOU will be joining them on the street! 

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13 hours ago, Nicholas said:

       Oh really ? Well la ti da. I believe I already was aware of that and therefore knew that. Let me make you aware of something that you obviously were not aware of or have not been. Once upon a time, I actually registered to vote and voted as a democrat like my father before me. But, it did not take me long to notice which side of the so called political isle was quite a bit more dishonest and corrupt. Afterwards, I voted no particular way throughout many elections but instead rather stood by as a bystander and observed what was going on and taking place as far as political affiliation may go. After so long of observation as well as doing some research in political histories of the country, I realized which side of the so called political isle in this country is more corrupt and dishonest. As of right now I can see which are the more corrupt and dishonest and since there are only two main political party affiliations in the country, I have always leaned towards the one that has been lesser of the two and that damn sure hasn't seemed to be any democrats. As far as I'm concerned, they are a hell of alot more dishonest and corrupt than either the republicans or the independents and had my father still been around he would probably think the same thing and regretted ever being affiliated with such a dishonest and corrupt political affiliation. As a matter of fact, if he knew that they have turned out to be as bad as they apparently are, he would probably roll over in his grave and turn his back to being made aware of such.

yet you worship the lyingest sack of shit to ever disgrace the white house. you are a moron.

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13 hours ago, Nicholas said:

        Wrong ! The only one to blame for the sheer incompetence that has been exhibited by what's been going on in Afghaniststan, is the incompetent asshole and his cronies that obviously did not plan for shit other than hoping everything might proceed without any incident so that they could have a political slogan or accomplishment that could be harped upon by 9/11/2021, the 20th aniversary of 9/11/2001.

you just described donny traitor & the qtrumplican cult. but in your twisted mind they are wonderful of course. your ignorance & hatred knows no bounds.

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13 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


"Stealing elections" has been an obsession with you since the Trump dummy. It is completely normal that electoral laws and electoral districts have to be constantly adapted to new developments in population change and other parameters in order to maintain equal opportunities. You do not understand that ?? In the last election, Republicans were particularly favored in the many rural areas. Hence Trump's lead in the first interim results, as the votes could be counted faster in the vast country than in the cities.

This was explained well and vividly using examples in the German public TV channels. In the USA, on the other hand, there are only a lot of private broadcasters who all have their own unregulated interests - the honest information is ignored. Who is good is chosen one way or another. The bottom line is that the advantages and disadvantages of the electoral law balance each other out. Talking about treason and stealing your election is total nonsense. Overall, Trump wasn't good enough - and that's it.

when there were any questions votes were recounted. no fraud of any substance was found. trump's lawsuits contained no evidence of fraud. no evidence of fraud has miraculously appeared in the past 10 months. the only fraud that has been presented at all is the fraud traitor ex president that needs to be locked up. it's unbelievable that anyone still listens to him at all. there are a lot of stupid people in this country.

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13 hours ago, jugghead said:

Yes he did say that. But he just complained about the fake news all the time and that is how you do nothing and act like it is somebody else's fault. I have managed people that did this and they always ended up looking like babies.

I agree, I didn't want Biden either but we had little to work with. Either way he took a very bold step and I applaud him for it.

trump & his party have never worked to solve any problems at all. they don't even have bad solutions. they have no solutions. they thrive on complaining & blaming others. if anything actually ever got fixed they would have nothing to complain about so they make sure that nothing gets done at all. at least the dems will try somethings. they may fail but they will then try something else. the other guys need to come up with some ideas that will help or get out of the way.

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20 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

maybe because if the tenants get some help they can pay YOU. and if they all get kicked out & nobody has any money who is going to rent YOUR apartment? then YOU won't be able to pay YOUR mortgage. then the bank will foreclose on YOU! then YOU will be joining them on the street! 

First off those demon 😈 crats have no intention of paying their past due rents, secondly all my properties except for 1 are paid off, thirdly there's zero chance I'll be on the streets homeless, since I've been planning my future and I've been careful investing my money 💰 🤑 💸 

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13 hours ago, Nicholas said:

       Dude, say whatever you want but I know that there are many now who voted for the sorry excuse of leadership that is there now, that regret doing so and wished the hell they never did and many of which have even said they could have dealt with some of his not so politically correct or nice so called tweets, then deal with what has been occurring in this country since then and most of them voted on democratic tickets and have for quite some time during their lives as well. Because they now realize and know that the shit that's been going on in Afghanistan along with the shit that's been going on down at the southern border with over a million and a half of illegal migrants being allowed to get into the country and even transported to various locations at taxpayer expense with many of them being covid positive, or the price of everything skyrocketing because of inflation due to the lefts continued government spending sprees, many of those others now realize it was a huge mistake to vote the ways they did. I know because I know quite a few who have been democrats just like I myself once was and most of which have said that it was one of the biggest mistakes they ever made to vote for such feeble minded incompetence.

you are an idiot.

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13 hours ago, Nicholas said:

      Since I don't rely on just Fox News for any possible actual news reporting, apparently it is you that are actually clueless jugg. So go rely on the what you think is actual news reporting because evidently you are being misinformed or just choosing to be. Whichever the case may be, I could care less.

trump's ass news has you hooked.

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13 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

Steve Tsentserensky is a freelance video producer who currently lives in Split, Croatia...

Why don't we send the liberal socialist communists people to Croatia, like that the Proud American Republicans will be happy 

maybe because normal people would rather improve this country. something that you obviously care nothing about.

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