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Leora - Home Activities #61

pulo filipe

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Off topic but chris as gone lower your flags to half mast he as now been classified as a proper wanker and won't be on here again  if you have any balloons blow them up for chris I'm sure,he will wave at them one way or another if you know what I mean

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51 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Well it is very weird, because i still believe SHE calls all the shots, and SHE is in charge. Gone mad at him simply for calling over on his way past, calling him an MF over the intercom because it hadn't been pre-arranged. Yelling at him because he had the balls to hang up on her once, telling him only she hangs up, not him. And the amount of times she has literally turned him down when asked, and just stayed at home doing nothing instead.

Yet - He doesn't have to do a damn thing to be forgiven. How can someone do such wrong, only to then be able to fix it so well, so quickly, week after week, month after month? There IS no way, is there.

If he's smart, he will know by now all he has to do is sit and wait for his phone to ping, and she will be ready to meet again. He can bide his time, knowing he will always be forgiven.

He therefore IS in charge - Yet, bizarrely, i don't think either he or she realise it! 

But simply, she needs him desperately. Because she would have to start all over again with someone else. All the lies, all the excuses.....Oh, and the small matter of trying to get Paul to join her.

And just as write that, Paul calls her Skype!

Yet, as you say, she doesn't seem to really care about him. Whenever she could be with him, she always preferred to go out with other people or stay at home. Have she started calling him again these days?

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3 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Yet, as you say, she doesn't seem to really care about him. Whenever she could be with him, she always preferred to go out with other people or stay at home. Have she started calling him again these days?

No calls in the apartment since last Sunday, yet that one was all nice. So something happened after this, but i do feel at least one of them is trying to fix it, he's still around. Don't forget, around the start of the year, calls went to hardly any being made, it was all to Paul, but she and LB were still together then. 

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This thing that she cares about him seems like bullshit to me, let's put it that way. If I care about a person, I am happy to be together with him or her, I share my time with that person and take advantage of every opportunity to see myself with this person. I don't spend my time deceiving him/her by making excuses for not seeing us or whatever. It's amazing how in a year they both didn't think "but who can make it go on like this?". 

Is Leora afraid of losing Paul? it is strange behavior for a person who is said to care a lot about another. It would also be easier for her to leave him, she would only need a phone call, a chat message, a carrier pigeon and so on. Yet it doesn't.

Maybe because deep down she doesn't trust LB, she KNOWS that he's not the right guy for her or her tastes. Yet, like a junkie who needs his stuff to get himself high, she still keeps dating a guy who actually doesn't give a shit.

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