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Leora - Home Activities #71

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3 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Trust me, no man likes to be turned down on a date together because she has to masturbate in front of thousands of perverts. I doubt if him accept it even once, I don't believe him accept it for a year and a half as if it were normal.

The way I see it , with whatever has been happening , Leora reveled him to the public yesterday in full exposure to gather opinions .. one and a half year and still managing being together either their sex life is insanely fantastic and addicted to sex being together or ( as it is my theory ) ,they make steps back because being together and having eachother in their lives seems to be much more important that any differences which are still there or appear at times ..

By the way , it isn’t the best in my humble opinion believing it is better to see a woman stick three vibrators in her ass than trying to live a normal life . And the last , for every “  turned down “ because she was actually working to have her income and as we know , when we work , it is also a part of our lives that we can’t skip to go for a date 😂 , I can recall many many many times that she would simply stand up from the couch or the bed , walk down the lobby half or barely naked only to reappear again after an hour or so .. 

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10 minutes ago, Nenemoh7 said:

lb is a handsome guy and this time im not sarcastic

A photo isn’t revealing the whole truth .. but why not ? This is how it should be . A really pretty woman with a handsome guy , it is as it should be ☺️

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15 minutes ago, Nenemoh7 said:

she is on rlc for years and probably reading cc for years and she know how some ppl on cc can be mean

The problem - as with many others tenants - is that she gets  affected either negative from  the bad or positive from the good . The solution has been suggested , why enter here and read if you are bothered ? You simply eliminate this site from your bookmarks , you stick with your own life and choices ( right or wrong ) , you raise the middle finger and you say to anyone “ fuck you all , it s my life and I do as pleased “ ..but when you are an exhibitionist and you care even for the slightest of details , you simply get addicted by wanting to know  the gossip .. therefore , the solution for the tenants exist , avoid CC with all its goods  and bads .. you don’t do , your own responsibility .. and imagine  and also don’t forget , the site requires that we are polite to the tenants when we refer to them .. when we are treated in a peasants way 😂🤣😂🤣

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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

The problem - as with many others tenants - is that she hwts affected either negative form the bad or positive from the good . The solution has been gunned, why enter here and read if you are bothered ? You simply eliminate this site from your bookmarks , you stick with your own life and choices ( right or wrong ) , i you raise the middle finger and you say to anyone “ fuck you all , it s my life and I do as pleased “ ..but when you are an exhibitionist and you care even for the slightest of details , you simply get addicted by knowing the gossip .. therefore , the solution for the tenants exist , avoid CC with all its goods  and bads .. you don’t do , your own responsibility .. and image and don’t forget , the site requires that we are polite to the tenants when we refer to them .. when we are treated in a peasants way 😂🤣😂🤣

thats what masha is doing, she said fuck u all this is my life, i doubt she is reading cc

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es de agradecer, estos dos últimos días, la Reina ha activado este foro, y al menos parte de el, ha manifestado sus opiniones, unas buenas, otras no tan buenas; se ha dicho lo que se pensaba, y eso esta bien.

Por otra parte, Ella, la Reina debería de agradecernos, que por primera vez, en mucho tiempo, yo diría muchísimo, va por el apartamento riéndose, y pasándoselo en grande, gracias a los comentarios sobre su novio. ¿ no seria ese el objetivo de mostrarnos esa foto, ( que tampoco sabemos si es su novio) y de esta forma relajar la tensión que se estaba originando?


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