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Masha & Sasha, Dasha - General Chat Topic (May 2018)

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4 minutes ago, grege said:

Croyez vous que dasha va quitter masha et sasha ils avaient l air d etre tres bien ensemble non?

Stncld316 told that although he said that before and she stayed. I think he has good contacts in RLC. I think he is the owner of this place.

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2 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Hard to say but I think Dasha could fend for herself without someone having to hold her hand.

I hope so. Maybe her secret love. Now she knows a lot about sex after her Master Class in Italy. And Sasha? How long will he stay with Masha?

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il y a 11 minutes, StnCld316 a dit :

Difficile à dire, mais je pense que Dasha pourrait se débrouiller elle-même sans avoir quelqu'un de tenir sa main.

c est tres gentil de nous tenir au courant de tout cela nous apprecions

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11 minutes ago, novidades said:

I hope so. Maybe her secret love. Now she knows a lot about sex after her Master Class in Italy. And Sasha? How long will he stay with Masha?

Dasha has been around the block a few times. She's not clueless when it comes to sex.

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14 hours ago, West_California said:

Mr Yalche, I don't Dwell on Money as a reason to be disappointed...

Get good service at your favorite Hangout ?..they get paid to do that...

Your Favorite Bartender ? they get paid to do that...

Its Sunday, Did you see your favorite Clergy today ?..they get paid to do that...

Seems to me your disappointed (or will be) 😸😛most of the Time...

I'm not disappointed or surprised by the fact money is what leads the world. 

I'm estonished (but really not surprised) by what is written here by most of the people who think they watch real life and make suppositions or speak about the feelings of each tenant.

Let's wait and look what will happen and that's it. Say what happens really. Otherwise you could be disappointed 😱😱

It's what I wanted to say, nothing else, even if you don't understand anything and can have pleasure making your own supposition about the tenants, RLC, the scenario you don't understand and also what others like me say.

That's it for me. No more interested in what you can write. I have other things to do. I only come here sometimes.

And usually I'm not "disappointed" by what I read, for example what you wrote 🤣🤣


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